Day 23: Rome, The Empire Unit 3
Late Republic Probs Growing tension between social classes Rome stretched thin (politically) Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, 133BC Distribute public land to soldier-farmers Senate urges mobs of elites to kill brothers & supporters 107BC Gaius Marius elected consul Eliminated property restrictions in army Armies became privatized, devotion to general Social War Civil War
First Triumvirate, 60BC Rule of 3 men Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey, Crassus (rich guy) Crassus dies, Caesar defeats Pompey in a civil war Senate declares Caesar dictator for life in 44BC Caesar as dictator Gives citizenship to people in provinces Gave public land to veterans Loved by people, distrusted by Senators Thought he would make himself king and destroy Republic Senators murder him on Ides of March (Mar. 15)
Second Triumvirate, 43BC Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepidus (high priest) Lepidus pushed aside, O and MA rule ½ of empire each Rome split into West and East Civil war Octavian defeats Antony and his Queen (Cleopatra) Naval battle of Actium, 31BC Double suicide of MA & C Octavian = sole ruler Roman Republic ends, new period begins
Octavian to Augustus O creates new political order: Empire O called himself “princeps” or First Citizen 27BC, Senate titles Octavian the Augustus “The Revered One” Augustus reigned for 40 years Divided power to rule Rome btwn. Himself and Senate Augustan Age Moral, religious, cultural, political reforms Virgil (epic poem: Aeneid): imitate Homer
Julio-Claudians and Flavians Augustus dies AD 14 (WE PASSED 0!) For 54 years, relatives of J.Caesar ruled Tiberius: good soldier Caligula: brutal, mentally unstable Nero: last of Julio-Claudians, suicide in AD 68 Civil War in Rome Three emperors known as Flavians (father, 2 sons) restore order to empire
Good Emperors AD 96, 5 rulers govern for over century From provinces in empire Admit provincial elites into Senate Trajan: Rome expands to greatest extent Hadrian: gave up land, built fortifications Built wall in northern Britain
Pax Romana “Roman Peace”, 27 BC to AD 180 (last of Good Emperors) Government Maintained order, enforced laws, defended frontiers Empire divided into provinces Cities governed in imitation of Rome, uniformity Legal System Laws passed by assemblies, Senate, or emperor Rules and penalties, applied to all citizens Trade/Transportation Agriculture, tenant farming replaced slaves Manufacturing: pottery and textiles, glassware, raw materials, Asian silk, furniture Access to waterways, road networks
Activity Write a diary entry as if you were a trader in Rome during the Pax Romana. Include ideas such as: How do you spend your day? Where did you go? What did you see? What goods did you sell or buy?