Bharath S. Kattemalalawadi interfacial Science and Surface Engineering Lab (iSSELab) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada May, 2016
Microchannels are integral part of microfluidics devices. Used to transport fluids. Need to efficiently design the channel to reduce the pumping power there by reduces the net energy consumption of the device. Cost of the micro-devices are very sensitive to energy consumption. Need to minimize it!! Microchannel Pressure loss due to friction in closed channels Pressure drop, f D Darcy Friction Factor (function of wall shear stress) Viscous drag
Rows Columns Lotus leaf – “Lotus effect”Microscopic view of the leaf Artificial Textures Interaction of liquid with textures Nature!!
As the spacing between the micro texture increases, the pressure drop decreases Maximum pressure drop reduction of ~47% is achieved for spacing factor of Φ =0.8 This technique has a considerable impact on energy consumption when implemented in Microchannel !!