JEOPARDY LABEL GAME Larry Schulze Pesticide Education Specialist University of Nebraska – Lincoln Extension
Notes to PSEP Educators Keep this Slide No. 2 as “hidden” so that it will not be seen during your presentation. After each question is addressed with your audience during the Jeopardy Game, click on the “tree” graphic in the lower right corner in order to return back to the Jeopardy game board rather than using the typical “slide advance” method. The color of the “point numbers” on the Jeopardy Game board (slide 3) will be subdued upon the completion of each question when you click on the “tree” graphic. Then, you’ll know which questions/answers have already been played. To reset the colors for all point numbers, just exit the PowerPoint file and re-open it. The “Calibraineous 50 Points” slide refers to the DRIFTSIM software that we distributed to you for the 2006 PSEP season. You have the option to use this slide to introduce and demonstrate DRIFTSIM. Then, return back to the POWERPOINT presentation by “X-ing” out of DRIFTSIM. A green “Start DRIFTSIM” button is at the bottom of this PowerPoint slide. Placing your cursor over this button and left-clicking will boot DRIFTSIM. Procedure: Copy all DRIFTSIM files from the DRIFTSIM CD into a created folder on your hard disk. I encourage creating a “DRIFTSIM” subdirectory under “Program Files” and copy all folders and files to this location. IMPORTANT: In this slide, edit the “Start DRIFTSIM” button hyperlink in PowerPoint to find the “DRIFTSIM.EXE” file on your hard disk. This button is currently “hyperlinked” to the “DRIFTSIM.EXE” file as found on my computer. It will need to be changed for your computer. Edit the questions/answers in this PowerPoint file as your wish to localize your PSEP program. Insert other hyperlinks to initiate video files, to see a PDF document such as a pesticide label, etc. Adapt this PowerPoint Jeopardy Game for other Extension audiences and programs. Enjoy this Extension delivery method. – Larry Schulze
Pesticide Label Jeopardy Environ- ment Formulations The Label CalibraineousSafetyPests
The Label 10 points Federal agency that registers pesticides What is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?
The Label 20 points Nebraska’s pesticide regulatory agency What is the Nebraska Department of Agriculture? (The agency to contact if one wishes to file a pesticide complaint.)
The Label 30 points Signal words that one of which appears on a pesticide label What are Danger, Warning, and Caution?
The Label 40 points “The three names on a label” What are brand, common, and chemical? (The common and chemical names of the active ingredient(s) may not always be on the label together)
The Label 50 points Three different hazard statements that can appear on pesticide labels. What are…. 1) Hazards to Humans & Domestic Animals 2) Environmental Hazards, and 3) Physical / Chemical Hazards?
Formulation 10 points RTU What is the most popular pesticide formulation for consumers? (Ready-To-Use)
Formulation 20 points Tungsten Carbide and Ceramic What nozzle tip materials are ? What nozzle tip materials are highly resistant to abrasion and corrosion?
Formulation 30 points Added to a pesticide formulation to improve mixing or application, or to increase its effectiveness What is an adjuvant?
Formulation 40 points Added to a pesticide to help reduce drift What is a drift retardant or a drift control additive?
Formulation 50 points Easy to store, transport, handle, measure, mix, low phytotoxicity and dermal adsorption rates, and forms a suspension. What is a wettable powder?
Calibraineous 10 points 43,560 sq. ft. How many square feet are in one acre? (208.7 ft. x ft.)
Calibraineous 20 points Particle drift & vapor drift What are two types of spray drift?
“DALE” Method What is the mixing order to add herbicides to a spray tank? What is the mixing order to add herbicides to a spray tank? (D = dry formulations, A = agitation, L = liquid formulations, E = emulsifiable concentrates, then microencapsulated formulations) Calibraineous – 30 points
Calibraineous 40 points Ground speed, nozzle spacing and nozzle output What are the three factors that determine sprayer application rate?
Calibraineous 50 points 20 Feet How far would a very fine-sized droplet (150 microns) drift at a boom height of 3 feet and a wind speed of 10 mph? (See DRIFTSIM program)
Safety 10 points Type of exposure that causes illnesses or injuries to appear within a few minutes to 24 hours of a pesticide exposure What is acute exposure?
Safety 20 points When pesticides enter the body through the skin What is dermal exposure? (Dermal includes “eyes.”)
Safety 30 points The Pesticide Label What is the primary source of information (active ingredient) in the case of a pesticide exposure?
Safety 40 points The degree or extent to which a chemical or substance is poisonous What is toxicity?
Safety 50 points Toxicity x Exposure What is the Risk Formula? (Risk = Toxicity X Exposure)
Environment 10 points Everything that surrounds us, including natural elements, manmade objects, people, and other living organisms What is the environment?
Environment 20 points Plant damage resulting from a chemical treatment mix tank What is phytotoxicity?
Environment 30 points A plant or animal that is in danger of becoming extinct. What is an endangered species?
Environment 40 points An area of land, water, and air space that a plant or animal species needs for survival What is a habitat?
Environment 50 points 50 Foot Buffer How far from any well should the loading, mixing or application of atrazine be?
Pests 10 points The first step in IPM all applicators should take before any control treatment What is “Identify the Pest.”
Pests 20 points Any disease producing microorganism What is a pathogen? (Bacteria, Virus, Fungi)
Pests 30 points Biennial Which life cycle of plants germinates in one season and produces seed the next?
Pests 40 points Seed barbs / hooks, wind, irrigation water, manure, rain, streams, farm machinery, hay / straw bales, etc. What are methods of weed seed dissemination?
Pests 50 Points Egg, larva, pupa, adult What is complete metamorphosis of an insect?
JEOPARDY LABEL GAME Larry Schulze Pesticide Education Specialist University of Nebraska – Lincoln Extension
Acknowledgement: Adapted for use by permission into UNL Pesticide Safety Education Programs Source: Jerry L. Goodspeed Utah State University Extension Weber County