Purpose To present a suggestion for the improvement of performance and contribution of regional experts of COSCAP-SA
Regional Experts Regional Expert Airworthiness Flight Operations Aerodromes Air Navigation Services
Airworthiness Expert SARI is going with the objective of harmonizing maintenance regulations Currently SARI has issued harmonized regulation for the Maintenance Organization for India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives. SARI has plans to bring Bangladesh and Bhutan on board within the year. SARI next targets are licensing (66) and training organization (147)of maintenance personnel, continuing airworthiness ( M / 21)
Airworthiness Expert SARI is supported by panel of experts within the region for all the member states and it is producing excellent results in terms of coordination, communication and harmonization. Suggestion is to allow SARI to continue its process of harmonization and compliance with ICAO and transfer the functions of Airworthiness Expert to SARI working panel. This would Save the monthly salary of Airworthiness Expert and achieve the goal of harmonization and compliance with ICAO.
Flight Operation and Aerodrome Expert Flight Operations and Aerodrome expert be allowed to continue their job and give the mandate to establish working panels within the region These experts and working panels be assigned with clear targets to achieve within the year. Suggest to assign the target – 10 % reduction in lack of effective implementation in selected areas.
Suggested Areas
Air Navigation Expert Air Navigation expert be assigned similar targets as the other regional experts Establishing working panels 10 % reduction in lack of effective implementation in selected areas Since the Air Navigation compromises many areas, the ANS expert be give with the support of National Experts on need basis.
Recommendations Not to elect a regional expert in the Airworthiness but SARI be assigned the responsibility Select Regional experts in Flight Ops, Aerodromes and Air Navigation Give clear mandate and achievable targets to be regional experts ( 10 % reduction in lack of effective implementation in selected areas) Experts be supplemented with National Experts on need basis.