Ancient Africa
Geography of Africa Divided up by natural barriers North-Sahara Desert Central-Rain Forest South-Desert East-mountains and rift valleys In between-Savannas Long coastline and many rivers
The Bantu Migrations (3,000 B.C.E-1100 C.E) The early African people south of the Sahara were iron workers A group of people with a similar language, the Bantu, started to migrate around 3,000 B.C.E They moved south and east spreading their culture. Today, 1/3 of all Africans speak a form of the Bantu language. Ex: Swahili (Arabic and Bantu mixture)
The Gold/Salt Trade Arab and Berber traders began trading heavily with west African Empires Gold and salt were the two major products Timbuktu was the major trading city Trans-Sahara Trade Trade was taxed by the Empire of Ghana starting in the 700s C.E Ghana, Mali, and Songhai got rich
West Africa: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Three West African Empires Ghana, Mali, and Songhai All three got rich off of the Gold/Salt Trade Taxed trade occurring in Timbuktu and Gao. Islam spread through trade (most before Islam were animistic) Empire of Mali: 2 Important Leaders Mansa Musa spread Islam after returning from Mecca Sundiata was a great military leader and expanded the empire. Both controlled the Gold/Salt Trade.