European Transport Workers’ Federation ETF Communication Strategy Decent Work for Transport Workers, sub-regional seminar in Romania 26 January 2011 What is the ETF approach for external communication?
European Transport Workers’ Federation Main questions What is the message? What is the target group? What is the most appropriate communication instrument?
European Transport Workers’ Federation What is the message? Who, what, why, when, where? 7 lines or 30 seconds Understandable for a 14 year old person
European Transport Workers’ Federation Main target groups General public : the media Stakeholders : member organisations, trade union federations, industry associations, ngo’s,… Decision makers : European institutions
European Transport Workers’ Federation Communication instruments (News)letters (In)formal meetings ETF Website Press releases …
European Transport Workers’ Federation Burson-Marsteller, The definite guide to lobbying European Institutions, 2005 Relevant communication instruments
European Transport Workers’ Federation Press strategy Press contact network Union press officers network Press release strategy
European Transport Workers’ Federation Press release strategy Avoid « press release fatigue » Write from the perspective of the reader: Send to relevant contacts and do a follow-up call o Find the right angle, start with the title o Tell the full story in the first paragraph o Not any longer than it needs to be
European Transport Workers’ Federation Do’s and don’ts for press releases Put effort in writing a catchy headline Keep it short and simple Stick to one topic Don’t make silly mistakes Don’t write press releases just for the sake of sending out press releases
European Transport Workers’ Federation Relevant information sources
European Transport Workers’ Federation Relevant communication instruments