Summer Read Notes Have your types notes and Tii receipt out on your desk. I will come around and stamp the completed notes. Take this time to study your notes before the open note quiz. AFTER I have checked off your notes, turn in the Tii receipt to the BLUE class bin. Quiz: 1.Turn in your answer sheet to the black wire tray. Hand the CLASS COPY of quiz questions to me. 2.Read from your SSR book until all students have completed the quiz. DO NOT TALK!
S-P-C in a nutshell: Statement: the argument you are trying to prove Proof: the facts/evidence that will support and help prove your statement/argument Commentary: the analysis/inferences you make, connecting your proof with your statement/s. (i.e. the glue that holds your argument together.)
“I Believe…” Number your paper Write down an “I believe” statement for each line. Share and discuss some of the beliefs written down with a partner/trio near you.
“I Believe” Statements Review your “I believe” list and circle the statements you connect to the most. Out of the circled items, choose ONE to focus on for your personal narrative. Look at the next slide for tips in writing your narrative. Homework: In 2-3 typed paragraphs describe an experience that connects to your belief. Use a mixture of showing (concrete, sensory details) and telling (abstract, Green Words). Does this event show how your belief started, was tested, or reinforced? Based on the descriptions of this experience/event, can the audience gain an understanding of your values? DON’T worry about a conclusion where you specifically state and tell your beliefs. We will work on that Monday and Tuesday of next week, before the rough draft is due on Wednesday, 08/12.
Strategies writers use to SHOW what is happening include: describing the character’s actions rather than just saying how he or she feels. using action verbs. using similes and metaphors. using dialogue. Appealing to some of the five senses to paint a picture of what is happening.
Essay Organization/Structure Proof: experience you are narrating, that will connect to your belief. Statement: conclusion section (1-2 paragraphs) connecting your experience to your belief. State outright what belief is and how it has shaped your life due to your narrated experience. -First sentence of conclusion paragraph will be an “although” thesis statement with 3-4 Green Words. These Green Words should be depicted explicitly (right there) and implicitly (implied) in your actual narrative. Commentary: After statement/s on your belief, connect experience (proof) to “although” thesis statement. Explain/explore why the belief is so important to you and how your belief has impacted you in conclusion section.