Yuri Shitov Imperial College London On behalf of the NEMO Collaboration A search for neutrinoless double beta decay: from NEMO-3 to SuperNEMO Moriond EW 2010, Outline: Physics of double beta decay Latest results from NEMO-3 experiment Status of the SuperNEMO project Summary of world status in the field Conclusion
Double beta decay basic statements (A,Z) (A,Z+2) + 2e (A,Z) (A,Z+2) + 2e - 2 : allowed SM process, T 1/2 ~ y 0 : beyond the SM, T 1/2 y Other scenarios (Majoron emission, Right- handed (V+A) current, SUSY, etc.) are possible Light neutrino exchange Experimental patterns (E 1 +E 2 )/Q
where: T : half-life of the process : effective neutrino Majorana mass M : Nuclear matrix element (NME) G : phase space factor Double beta decay basic formulas THEORY where: M : source mass ε : efficiency W : molecular weight t : time of measurement a : Isotope abundance or enrichment N BGR : background events ΔE: energy resolution EXPERIMENT
and neutrino fundamental properties Probe of neutrino nature. Neutrinos are Majorana fermions (particle antiparticle) if 0 takes place See-Saw mechanism, Leptogenesis, Baryon asymmetry, CP violation Neutrino mass hierarchy. 0 measurements might help to establish the right one. Absolute mass scale. 0 experiments are among the most sensitive ones. Spreads are due to variations of unknown CP phases
Experimental techniques to observe -decay -daughter rate E1+E2 spectrum E1, E2, Larger mass Better resolution High (~ 100%) efficiency Real -observation. Any -source can be measured Potentially zero-background Test of mechanisms There is no “ideal” method to meet all requirements! Geochemical & Radiochemical Calorimetric Source detector Tracking + Calorimetric TPC Time Projection Chamber
Claim of observation 4.2 evidence of in 76 Ge(Q =2039 keV) has been claimed by Klapdor-Kleingrothaus group (KGC) analyzing data of Heidelberg-Moscow (HM) experiment: Exposure: 71 kg y ( ) T 1/2 =1.5 y = eV A.M. Bakalyarov et al. Part. and Nucl., Lett. 125, 21 (2005) The same spectrum from Moscow group of HM data without problematic Det.3,5. 1)KGC has triggered a huge discussion 2) The best answer is the measurement! Check of KGC is now the target for all next generation projects ?
NEMO-3/SuperNEMO collaboration Neutrino Ettore Majorana Observatory (Neutrino Experiment on MOlybdenum – historical name) 80 physicists / 30 institutions
3 m 4 m B (25 G) Source : 10 kg of isotopes cylindrical, S = 20 m 2, 60 mg/cm 2 Tracking detector : drift wire chamber operating in Geiger mode (6180 cells) Gas: He + 4% ethyl alcohol + 1% Ar + 0.1% H 2 O Calorimeter : 1940 plastic scintillators coupled to low radioactivity PMTs The NEMO3 detector Fréjus Underground Laboratory : 4800 m.w.e. Magnetic field: 25 Gauss Gamma shield: Pure Iron (18 cm) Neutron shield: borated water (~30 cm) + Wood (Top/Bottom/Gaps between water tanks) Able to identify e , e , and delayed 20 sectors
NEMO3 unique features Multi-source detector Measurement of full -event pattern Self-determination of ALL background components measuring independent channels Multisource -detector
Unique spectra from tracko-calo technique 100 Mo 2 Results NEMO-3 ’’ -factory’’ in action Sum energy spectrumAngular distributionSingle electron energy spectrum Data - MC ββ2 - background subtracted 100 Mo Latest results: events 389 days S/B= Mo
100 Mo 2 Results Summary of NEMO-3 -results Isotope Expo- sure, days EventsS/B T 1/2 (2νββ), years Published 100 Mo (7.11 ± 0.02(stat)±0.54(syst))·10 18 (SSD favored) 100 Mo(0 + 1 ) ,54 ( (stat) )±0.8(syst))· Se (9.6± 0.3(stat)±1.0(syst))· Cd (2.8± 0.1(stat)±0.3(syst))· Nd ( (stat)±0.63(syst))·10 18 New preliminary 130 Te (6.9± 0.9(stat)±1.0(syst))· Zr (2.35± 0.14(stat)±0.16(syst))· Ca ( (stat)±0.4(syst))·10 19 Systematic studies of process provide crucial knowledge for search!
100 Mo 2 Results -results Isotope T 1/2 (0νββ) limit, ×10 24 years, eVExperimentYear 76 Ge > 15.7< IGEX Ge HM(KGC) Ge > 15.5< HM(Others) Te >3< CUORICINO Mo >1.1< NEMO-32009
From NEMO to SuperNEMO SUPERNEMO R&D is in progress since 2006 NEMO-3 SuperNEMO 100 Mo, 7kg Isotope, mass 82 Se, kg 208 Tl: < 20 Bq/kg 214 Bi: < 300 Bq/kg Background in -foil 208 Tl: < 2 Bq/kg 214 Bi: < 10 Bq/kg 8% Efficiency 30% 3 MeV Energy resolution (FWHM) 3 MeV T 1/2 > 2 x y < 0.3 – 0.8 eV Sensitivity T 1/2 > 1-2 x y < 40 – 100 meV NEMO-3 successful experience allows to extrapolate tracko-calo technique on larger mass next generation detector to reach new sensitivity level.
20 modules, each of them hosts: - 5 kg of source foil ( 82 Se, 40mg/cm 2 ) Geiger channels Calorimeter channels: PVT Scintillator + 8’’ PMT SuperNEMO basic design SuperNEMO module SuperNEMO is the favorite project to be hosted in the new LSM laboratory (hall A) planned to be opened at 2013
SuperNEMO demonstrator SuperNEMO demonstrator (first module) being finalizing, which will: 1)Prove the concept 2)Test at level of KGC 3)Start in 2012 Calorimeter R&D Tracker R&D Low background R&D Simulations Source: 6.3 kg of 82 Se BiPo setup
EXO-200 TPC CUORE Bolometer GERDA HPGe World leading projects I
Experiment Iso- tope Mass *, kg T 1/ y, 90% CL m, meV MethodStartStatus CUORICINO 130 Te bolometric2002 finished(2008) NEMO Mo Tracko-calo2003 running GERDA, Ph-I 76 Ge HPGe (ion.)2010 construction Ph-II 76 Ge HPGe (ion.)2011 approved CUORE 130 Te bolometric2012 construction EXO Xe Liquid TPC2010 construction SNO+ 150 Nd486.4<100 Liquid Scintillator 2011 construction SuperNEMO 82 Se Tracko-calo2012 Demonstrator MAJORANA 76 Ge28HPGe (ion.)2012 Demonstrator EXO 136 Xe Gas TPC2015 R&D 0nbb experiments overview World leading double beta-decay projects II Others concepts and/or R&D: CANDLES ( 48 Ca), COBRA ( 116 Cd, 130 Te), DCBA ( 150 Nd), CARVEL ( 48 Ca), CAMEO ( 116 Cd), XMASS ( 136 Xe), GEM ( 76 Ge), GSO ( 76 Ge), NEXT ( 136 Xe), MOON ( 100 Mo) * Pure mass of -isotope. Efficiencies are NOT included.
KGC NEMO 3 CUORICINO, EXO-200 GERDA SuperNEMO CUORE,EXO , 1t experiments (1 or 2) >2020, >10t experiment Roadmap for double beta-decay projects
- The 0 decay is a test of physics beyond the Standard Model, fundamental neutrino properties: nature, absolute mass scale and neutrino hierarchy. - NEMO-3 detector is very efficient “ -factory”, which is producing world leading results in the -field. - SuperNEMO R&D program has confirmed that NEMO-3 technique can be successfully extrapolated to 100 kg experiment with sensitivity compatible with other world leading projects. -SuperNEMO team is finalizing the design of SuperNEMO Demonstrator (first module) which will prove the workability of technique and check KGC. The Demonstrator will be started in Positive signal from 2-3 experiments with different sources and different techniques would be guaranteed confirmation of the existence of -process. - Only tracko-calo and gas TPC can directly register -decay. In the case of discovery only direct methods will allow to determine the process leading to : light neutrino exchange, right-handed current, supersymmetry, etc. Conclusion