Preparing Worship with Prayer. Time for Singing And on This Path 1. And on this path, the gates of holiness are open wide And on this path, the gates.


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Presentation transcript:

Preparing Worship with Prayer

Time for Singing

And on This Path 1. And on this path, the gates of holiness are open wide And on this path, the gates of holiness are open wide And on this path, the gates of holiness are open wide! Open wide Open wide Open wide The gates are open wide!

2. So enter in the gates of holiness are open wide So enter in the gates of holiness are open wide So enter in the gates of holiness are open wide ! Open wide Open wide Open wide The gates are open wide!

When We Are Living 1. When we are living, It is in Christ Jesus, and when we’re dying, It is in the Lord. Both in our living and in our dying, We belong to God, we belong to God.

2. Through all our living, we our fruits must give. Good works of service Are for of fering. When we are giving, or when receiving, We belong to God, We belong to God.

3. ‘Mid times of sorrow and in times of pain, When sensing beauty or in love’s embrace, Whether we suffer, or sing rejoicing, We belong to God, We belong to God.

4. Across this wide world, we shall always find those who are crying With no peace of Mind, But when we help them, or when we feed them, We belong to God, We belong to God.

Behold,Behold, I Make All Things New Behold(behold) Behold(be-hold) I make all things new Beginning with you and Starting from today. Behold(behold) Behold(be-hold) I make all things new My promise is true, for I am Christ the way.

Ore Poriaju (Paraguay) -Guarani: Ore poriaju vereko Nandeyara. Ore poriaju vereko Nandeyara. -Greek: Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison.

-English: O God have mercy, O God have mercy. O God have mercy, Have mercy on us.

-French: O Seigneur prends pitie, O Seigneur prends pitie, O Seigneur prends pitie, prends pitie denous tous.

When the mighty wind of God 1.When the mighty wind of God Blows through my soul, Like Miriam the prophet I sing,I sing, I sing Like Miriam the prophet I sing,I sing, I sing

2. When the mighty wind of God Blows through my soul, Like Miriam the captive I weep,I weep, I weep Like Miriam the captive I weep,I weep, I weep

3. When the mighty wind of God Blows through my soul, Like Miriam the pilgrim I march, I march, I march Like Miriam the captive I march, I march, I march

4. When the mighty wind of God Blows through my soul, Like Miriam the victor I dance,I dance, I dance Like Miriam the captive I dance,I dance, I dance The horses and riders are Thrown to the sea; for God is among us and works gloriously!

5. When the mighty wind of God Blows through my soul, Like Miriam the poet I praise,I praise, I praise Like Miriam the poet I praise,I praise, I praise From rock in the wilderness new waters spring; for God is among us and so I will sing!

A Prophet-Woman Broke a Jar 1. A Prophet woman broke a jar, By Love’s divine appointing With rare perfume she filled the room, presiding and anointing A prophet woman broke a jar, The sneers of scorn defying With rare perfume she filled the room, preparing Christ for dying

2. A faithful woman left a tomb By Love’s divine commission. She saw, she heard, she preached the Word, arising from submission A faithful woman left a tomb With resurrection gospel. She saw, she heard, she preached the Word, apostle to apostles

3. T hough woman wisdom, woman truth, For centuries were hidden, Unsung, unwritten, and unheard, derided and forbidden, the Spirit ’ s breath, the Spirit ’s fire, On free and slave descending, can tumble our dividing walls Our shame and sadness mending

4. The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls By Love’s divine ordaining the friends we need to serve and lead, their powers and gifts unchaining The spirit knows, the Spirit calls from women, men, and children the friends we need, to serve and lead, Rejoice, and make them Welcome!

Senzeni na Senzeni na Senzeni na Senzeni na Senzeni na Senzeni na

Preparing Worship with Prayer

Greeting : Let us strive to know God, whose coming is as sure as the sunrise. God will come to us like the rain, like spring rains that water the earth. - Hosea 6:3


Call to worship Feet,Hands, Body,Mind Be still! (three deep breathes) Let us worship God with our body, with our mind and with our whole life.

Opening Prayer

God of the Wilderness, God of the Journey, soften our hearts and open our ears. Help us to hear and respond to Wisdom’s call. Give us vision and strength for action, so that we can offer your love to everyone in need of hope or healing. Amen

Worship Words: The people of Israel did not move their camp until Miriam returned seven days later.


When We Are Living 1. When we are living, It is in Christ Jesus, and when we’re dying, It is in the Lord. Both in our living and in our dying, We belong to God, we belong to God.

2. Through all our living, we our fruits must give. Good works of service Are for of fering. When we are giving, or when receiving, We belong to God, We belong to God.

3. ‘Mid times of sorrow and in times of pain, When sensing beauty or in love’s embrace, Whether we suffer, or sing rejoicing, We belong to God, We belong to God.

4. Across this wide world, we shall always find those who are crying With no peace of Mind, But when we help them, or when we feed them, We belong to God, We belong to God.

Prayer of Confession

Sometimes, our sins are too heavy to carry,too real to hide, and too deep to undo. But Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Let us bring to God in prayer our burden of sin and our yoke of guilt, confident and trusting in the Spirit of grace.

God of Mercy, sometimes life in very hard. One of the hardest things is feeling alone, rejected. We remember Miriam and how she suffered when she was sent out of the camp because she criticized Moses. Sometimes we are rejected by our friends and family, too. It is hard when other people are angry at us.

It is hard when we suffer for speaking what we feel is right. Please help us find courage in hard times. Please help us to keep speaking our mind especially when it is for the sake of others. We pray in Jesus name who also suffered for doing what was right. (Silence)

God the Creator Brings you new life, Forgives and redeems you. Take hold of this Forgiveness, and Live your life in the spirit of Jesus. Amen

The Word is Spoken Scripture Numbers12:1-16 Numbers12:1-16

Scripture Numbers 12: :1-3 Although Moses was the most humble person in all the world, Miriam and Aaron started complaining, "Moses had no right to marry that woman from Ethiopia! Who does he think he is? The LORD has spoken to us, not just to him." The LORD heard their complaint 4 and told Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to come to the entrance of the sacred tent. 5 There the LORD appeared in a cloud and told Aaron and Miriam to come closer.

6 Then after commanding them to listen carefully, he said: "I, the LORD, speak to prophets in visions and dreams. 7 But my servant Moses is the leader of my people. 8 He sees me face to face, and everything I say to him is perfectly clear. You have no right to criticize my servant Moses." 9 The LORD became angry at Aaron and Miriam. And after the LORD left 10 and the cloud disappeared from over the sacred tent, Miriam's skin turned white with leprosy. When Aaron saw what had happened to her, 11 he said to Moses, "Sir, please don't punish us for doing such a foolish thing.

12 Don't let Miriam's flesh rot away like a child born dead!" 13 Moses prayed, "LORD God, please heal her.“ 14 But the LORDreplied, "Miriam would be disgraced for seven days if her father had punished her by spitting in her face. So make her stay outside the camp for seven days, before coming back." 15 The people of Israel did not move their camp until Miriam returned seven days later. 16 Then they left Hazeroth and set up camp in the Paran Desert.

Sermon Numbers12:1-16 Miriam Punished

Announcements Birthdays, Celebrations? Announcements Birthdays, Celebrations?


What Can I Do? What can I do What can I bring What can I say What can I sing I’ll sing with joy I’ll say a prayer I’ll bring my love I’ll do my share

Pray of the people

Review Worship Words

Worship Words: The people of Israel did not move their camp until Miriam returned seven days later.

New creed

A New Creed: We are not alone, We live in God’s world. We believe in God: who has created and in creating, Who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh, A New Creed: We are not alone, We live in God’s world. We believe in God: who has created and in creating, Who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh,

To reconcile and make new, who works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the Church: To celebrate God’s presence, To live with respect in Creation, To reconcile and make new, who works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the Church: To celebrate God’s presence, To live with respect in Creation,

To love and serve others, To seek justice and resist evil, To proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life, in death, in life beyond death, To love and serve others, To seek justice and resist evil, To proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life, in death, in life beyond death,

God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God. God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God.

Commissioning and Blessing

Go Now in Peace, Guided by the Light (Vayan en paz) Vayan en paz, guiados por la luz del Senor, a contemplar la Palabra Viva de Dios

Go Now in Peace, Guided by the Light (Vayan en paz) Go now in peace, guided by the light of Christ, so you may be nourished by the Word of Life

See you next Sunday