The CERN Communication Group The CERN Communication Group Bernard Pellequer CERN, 08 February 2006
CERN’s Communication Group Vision: To increase awareness of CERN and its activities and to promote the interaction of science with society in Europe. Mandate: Working with a number of key target audiences, to generate public engagement in science, to produce and distribute information, to foster community building. The key audiences and corresponding objectives are: The general public – to foster engagement with scientific issues The physics community – to provide information about CERN’s activities S&T decision makers – to promote CERN’s activities Industry – to encourage partnerships The CERN community – to provide information and build motivation Schools – to provide information and to complement the Education group’s activities through visit, exhibitions and multimedia products.
CERN’s Communication Group Messages: CERN is the world’s leading centre for fundamental research, seeking answers to questions about the Universe. CERN advances the frontiers of technology and engineering. CERN trains the young scientists and engineers who will be the experts of tomorrow. CERN brings nations together. Over 6500 scientists of 85 nationalities work here.
Seeking answers to questions about the Universe Advancing the frontiers of technology Training the scientists of tomorrow Bringing nations together through science ► Corporate Communication ► Public Outreach
What we do… Press Office journalists/yr. Press, radio, TV, Interviews - Documentaries venues per year in European cities Off the road for refurbishment Traveling Exhibition 150,000 visitors / yr. Guided CERN Tour for non-scientists, news, educational resources for teachers… Public Web Pages Normal: 200,000 visitors / yr. With Dan Brown effect: 250,000/month
Guided Tours Normal: 20,000 visitors/yr. Open day 2004: 32,000 visitors/day Microcosm 30,000 visitors / yr. Reception + Organization of Visits + Guides Permanent exhibition on CERN’s research and technology. Objects for loan. Brochures 100,000 copies / yr. General information on CERN, LHC machine, experiments, applications, safety… What we do…
Films, animations, events… What we do… CERN in 3 minutes The GRID
Bulletin 6500 copies, bi-weekly CERN Intranet 6 million visitors/year CERN Courier “The” journal of High Energy Physics 25,000 copies, 10 issues/year World-wide distribution Annual Report Yearly progress report What we do…
Globe of Science and Innovation Vision To be the undisputed landmark of CERN and a forum for the interaction of science with society in the Geneva region and in Europe. Mission To provide a forum for science and its benefits for society, and to encourage partnerships between the particle physics community and other actors.
Networks… EPOG, ECSITE, PI roundtable, UN Editors, EIROforum, InterActions…
You can help! Getting involved with communication is an opportunity to become acquainted with other areas of the lab, to share your expertise and enthusiasm with a wider public, and it can be very rewarding. The areas in which you can contribute are as follows. By becoming a CERN guide A standard guided tour lasts two hours. Just signing up for one visit every two months would be a great help. To become a guide, we ask you to attend a visit as an observer, follow a 1.5 hour introduction and a 1/2 day of communication training. Before their first visit, new guides are also given an accompanied site visit focusing on safety issues and practicalities. Current visit itineraries include the AD, ATLAS, CMS, COMPASS, LHCb, the PS and the computer centre. As a trained guide, you can sign up to visits on the web, choosing the day that suits you best. Visits take place both during the week and on Saturdays. If you are interested in helping out the Visits Service, please sign up from the guides web page ( or contact Dominique Bertola.
You can help! Getting involved with communication is an opportunity to become acquainted with other areas of the lab, to share your expertise and enthusiasm with a wider public, and it can be very rewarding. The areas in which you can contribute are as follows. By becoming a CERN guide By becoming an explainer for our exhibitions and events On Saturdays, there is a scientist on duty in Microcosm to add a human touch and help visitors where needed. We organise hands-on physics workshops on Wednesdays and Saturdays (Drole de Physique). On the first Monday evening of each month, there is a "Lundi decouverte" evening in Microcosm, presenting one area of CERN's work to a public audience. We also get involved in local scientific outreach events such as the Fete de la Science. In all of these, we need your help. Please contact Catherine Brandt for further information.
You can help! Getting involved with communication is an opportunity to become acquainted with other areas of the lab, to share your expertise and enthusiasm with a wider public, and it can be very rewarding. The areas in which you can contribute are as follows. By becoming a CERN guide By becoming an explainer for our exhibitions and events By working with the media CERN welcomes members of the world's media every working day of the year. We constantly need articulate and dynamic scientists to explain their work. Periodically, we offer media training for those who wish. If this is of interest, please contact Renilde Vanden Broeck.
You can help! Getting involved with communication is an opportunity to become acquainted with other areas of the lab, to share your expertise and enthusiasm with a wider public, and it can be very rewarding. The areas in which you can contribute are as follows. By becoming a CERN guide By becoming an explainer for our exhibitions and events By working with the publications team By working with the media The publications team is constantly on the look out for stories for the Bulletin and the CERN Courier. If you have any suggestions, please contact Christine Sutton.
You can help! Getting involved with communication is an opportunity to become acquainted with other areas of the lab, to share your expertise and enthusiasm with a wider public, and it can be very rewarding. The areas in which you can contribute are as follows. If you would like to discuss any of these matters further, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. By becoming a CERN guide By becoming an explainer for our exhibitions and events By working with the publications team By working with the media