European Higher Education in a Global Perspective Lesley Wilson Secretary General European University Association Oslo, 11 March 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

European Higher Education in a Global Perspective Lesley Wilson Secretary General European University Association Oslo, 11 March 2008

2 Outline I.The starting point – Higher Education - a growth business II.Challenges for European Higher Education and Research III.The European policy context IV.EUA priorities – European strategies for Europe’s universities in a global environment– what we have done and what we will do V.The situation of smaller countries – strengths & weaknesses

I. The starting point: Higher education - A global growth business Numbers Mobility Graduates in the labour force Income and employment

II. Challenges facing European Higher Education and Research Globalisation and its impact The demography of Europe & European HE – students & staff Convergence and diversity Sustainable funding and appropriate governance structures Relevance – employability, economic & social development, innovation Shifts in knowledge creation, validation & ownership European identity and values in a global world

III. The policy context in Europe Bologna Process – a reform agenda for 46 countries approaching the 2010 deadline – completing the agreed reforms and thinking about the future Lisbon Strategy : push for excellence in research & innovation, concentration & selectivity for global competitiveness – role of universities increasingly on the agenda Limited EU responsibility for higher education but growing competence in relation to research and increased profile of vocational education, (LLL)

III. 2 - Policy discussions impacting on universities Bologna Process – looking forward to post 2010 The EC’s Modernisation Agenda for Universities FP7: support rates & cost models – review 2010; ERC – next steps Follow-up of the Green Paper on the future of the ERA – the role of universities European Structural & Social Funds – new emphasis on Lisbon Objectives in Research and Innovation European Researchers’ Charter and Code of Conduct/Research Careers and Mobility Improving University/Business collaboration & Knowledge Transfer

IV. EUA priorities 1 –Bologna & the European Higher Education Area Continue to support universities in improving the learning process – use TRENDS VI to evaluate progress made by 2010 Ensure universities have a voice in influencing the future of the Bologna process –which priorities & how? Encourage universities to view LLL as being central to their thinking – an LLL charter for European Universities Increase awareness of the importance of learning outcomes Continue to emphasise the need for quality processes reflecting institutional values & mission in universities Support the newly created European Register of Q Agencies (EQAR) – ensuring legitimacy & effectiveness

IV. 2 The Role of Universities in Research and Innovation Universities in the ERA – follow-up of the Green Paper discussion – universities as actors in the ERA Further developing university business collaboration - Taking forward the “Responsible Partnering” initiative Build expertise on universities as key actors in regional development – spotlight on innovation Launch the EUA Council on Doctoral Education as a way to further develop and strengthen doctoral programmes and doctoral students’ career paths Follow-up the recent EUA recommendations on open access Prepare the FP7 mid term review, e.g. in relation to cost models for universities

IV. 3 Building partnerships & promoting the international visibility of European universities Engaging in policy dialogue with partner associations in other world regions, e.g. Transatlantic Dialogue with ACE/AUCC Contributing to the implementation of the Bologna global strategy Special focus Asia - EU-Asia platform on HE – study fairs, workshops & seminars Organisation of study visits under a European umbrella Continuing international involvement in quality discussions and doctoral education

IV. 4 - Governance – focus on autonomy and accountability Provide first steps in benchmarking the different elements of the autonomy of Europe’s universities Map the reforms taking place across Europe Examine the changing forms of accountability: QA, the role of rankings, focus on learning outcomes, university Board, full cost accounting etc.. Investigate the question of diversity Support universities by offering workshops and seminars allowing exchange of good practice on key issues

IV.5 - Sustainable Funding Continue to work on frameworks for financial sustainability Continue to provide support to universities to enable them to identify the full costs of their activities and projects Encourage universities to take account of the multiple benefits of implementing costing systems – as as trategic tool for planning & decision making Lobby for more public funding of research on a competitive basis. Strengthen the role and resources of the ERC & support well-funded competitive schemes at national level to maintain & strengthen capacity

V- Challenges & opportunities for smaller countries Easier to discuss collectively system development – and to reach consensus on shared societal goals..but also a question of culture & not just size Need to identify strengths & agree on priorities e.g. on research topics Therefore cooperation across borders/at European level necessary for competitiveness – targeted partnerships to complement own strengths Importance of mobility – movement in and out of the systems, especially for young researchers Hence also often more outward looking & open, e.g. to offering programmes in English to attract foreign students

VI - Closing Remarks Europe should be more aware of the benefits of HE for society & as an element of the continent’s attractiveness Europe is becoming an increasingly attractive destination, cf IAU survey - European universities are the most sought after partners for universities in other parts of the world Reinforcing the core elements of ongoing reforms will make universities more attractive internationally, e.g. Improving quality and increasing transparency Enhancing doctoral programmes & improving opportunities for young researchers Peter Scott – “Europe thanks to Bologna may have been given the opportunity to respond the C21 agendas” (EUA Bologna Handbook, 2006)