Portfolio Committee on Water & Environmental Affairs :Pelagic sector presentation: Portfolio Committee on Water & Environmental Affairs :Pelagic sector presentation:Green Paper on the South African Policy on the National Environmental Management of the Ocean 23 July 2013
Presentation Outline 1.Overview 2.Major trends 3.Sector Issues
Major trends in the fishing industry Substantial M&A activity in the industry as larger tier companies consolidate- estimated R 1 billion over last 2 years. SMME level- companies survival mode- collapse of hake long line market, poor harvesting seasons for Squid ( E Cape), price volatility due to exchange rate fluctuation. Future focus on small scale fisheries and fishing community empowerment. 127 fishing coastal communities- finite resources- poverty alleviation and food security.
Pelagic sector issues the process that has been followed up to now in terms of consultation with the industry regarding specifically the proclamation of an offshore marine protected area cognisance of the effect that such decisions might have on the rational management of the pelagic fishery, could have disastrous consequences for our industry, hence our extensive concerns
Issues 2 Research results obtained during the current experimental closure of islands by DAFF have to date been inconclusive about the benefits or not to penguins of island closures. Cautious about placing restrictions on the pelagic fishing industry that have negative socio-economic consequences without necessarily resulting in benefits for specifically seabird populations
considerations Islands will receive prioritised conservation status- rationale ? Capacity and budgetary resources for effective management of MPA’s. MPA planning should be integrated with the management of fisheries and other maritime industries.
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