Adjective Written by Cat Carol & Bamboo
Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. Definition
For example: A wooden chair
A beautiful flower
A new Lamborghini
Some fresh vegetables
Your turn now(1) Some/three thick books
Adjectives can be formed by adding: able al ar ary ate en ible ic ish ive ful less ly some ous y
For example: reasonable national regular imaginary legitimate wooden flexible energetic foolish talkative careful fearless lovely quarrelsome cautious healthy
Adjective patterns Adjectives expressing emotion or desire are usually followed by an infinitive. Such as: sorry, glad, happy, anxious, eager, curious, (un)willing, reluctant.
Present participles & past participles also follow the same pattern. Present participles:delighting, interesting, surprising. Past participles:pleased, delighted, shocked.
For example: We are glad to know that you have recovered. I am pleased to meet you. The crying baby is my sister.
Personal qualities kind, good, bad, nice, naughty, wise, foolish, cruel may be used in any of these patterns: You were kind to help us. It was kind of you to help us. How kind of you to help us.
Impersonal Adjectives Necessary, dangerous, easy, difficult, (im)possible, important, essential, etc are used in this pattern: It was easy (for him) to work out the problem.
Which of the following clauses are correct? 1a. little brown house b. brown little house 2a. Italian red sports car b. red Italian sports car
Order of Adjective: Ⅰ Determiners Ⅱ Observation Ⅲ Size & shape Ⅳ Age Ⅴ Color Ⅵ Origin Ⅶ Material Ⅷ Qualifier
More examples: delicious Thai some food Some delicious Thai food
Your turn now(2a) hair her black long Her long, black hair.
Your turn now(2b) my younger lazy selfish fat brother My lazy, selfish, fat, younger brother.
Adjective clause If a group of words containing a subject and verb acts as an adjective, it is called an Adjective Clause
For example: My sister, who is much older than I am, is a computer engineer.
Adjective Phrase If an adjective clause is stripped of its subject and verb, the resulting modifier becomes an Adjective Phrase
For example: He is the man who is keeping my family in the poorhouse.
Position of Adjectives In a sentence, adjectives nearly always appear immediately before the noun or noun phrase that they modify.
For example: Stella is a careful girl. It is a red book.
Degree of Adjective Positive than Comparative than The The Superlative
For example: PositiveComparativeSuperlative richricher richest lovelylovelier loveliest beautifulmore beautiful most beautiful
Irregular comparative & superlative forms PositiveComparativeSuperlative goodbetter best badworse worst farfurther furthest littleless least
Adjective & preposition good at tennis. fond of She is interested in about it? Are you sure of his honesty?
Adjective & preposition /Glade/6140/english14.htmhttp:// /Glade/6140/english14.htm absent from different fromindependent of busy with excited about keen on certain about/of free fromloyal to common tohard onsimilar to
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