FP6 and research infrastructures Main instruments Integrated infrastructure initiative (I3), several M€/year, 4-5 years communication network development, 300 M€ for GEANT and grids design studies, 1-10 M€, 2-4 years contribution to capital costs of new infrastructures, 10% max, 5-15 M€, lump sum
Vision for European radio astronomy Maintain EVN at state-of-the-art Maintain national facilities at state-of-the-art; training grounds for young astronomers and engineers Upgrade EVN to e-EVN; links to China, SA, US, Japan essential Upgrade MERLIN to e-MERLIN for stand-alone and joint with e-EVN observations Develop and operate new, predominantly regional or national radio telescopes: LOFAR (NL, DE, SE), SRT-64 (IT), Yebes- 40 (ES) Develop and operate new global telescopes: ALMA, SKA
Integrated Infrastructure Initiative: networking activities management of the network develop synergies and complementary capabilities prototype ALMA regional support centre? incorporate CRAF meetings and workshops organisation of radio astronomy in Europe (Foresight Study)
I3: Trans-national access - continue access program for EVN - introduce access to individual major radio astronomy facilities operating as stand-alone instruments (eligibility: annual operating costs > 0.5 M€) MERLIN, Effelsberg IRAM, JCMT Yebes, Nancay WSRT, SEST
I3: Joint Research Activities Joint research activities, RTD, to enhance access through improvement of the infrastructure calibration and imaging software for high sensitivity astronomy receiver development (components+systems, software, bolometer arrays) for IRAM, Onsala, Metsahovi, Yebes, APEX, ALMA, SRT, EVN new digital technologies: phased arrays in the focal plane, digital BBCs, new correlator RFI mitigation
Communication network development in conjunction with IST thematic priority includes use of GEANT for specific high performance grids and testbeds I3 for e-EVN (together with GEANT, BT?, ….) -Networking activities (EVN) -Joint Research Project
Design studies feasibility studies+ technical preparatory work for a new infrastructure (1-10 M€) need clear European dimension and interest explore sources of finance for infrastructure eg EIB, Structural Funds SKA- technical and engineering development towards a 1% demonstrator - software development for simulations - cosmology ALMA – band 1 (0.5 M€)
Contribution to capital costs for development of new infrastructure which is already funded EC max of 10% of total budget for the infrastructure to catalyse construction for development of technically advanced elements of the future infrastructure, eg instrumentation, connectivity, not buildings, logistics e-MERLIN
I3: Networking activities management - management will be significantly more autonomous than in FP5 - scientific and financial coordination; generation of reports; cost statements; monitor impact of I3 activities - will need to employ people specifically to manage the contract
I3: Networking activities develop synergies and complementary capabilities procedures for applying for observing time; proposal deadlines level of service to users coordinated use of major infrastructures e.g. EVN + MERLIN national radio telescopes instrumental and software developments
I3: Networking activities Meetings and workshops formal meetings of partners activity coordination meetings symposia, schools outreach Round Table meetings with other astronomy I3’s
I3: Networking activities Organisation of radio astronomy in Europe (Foresight Study) - transform I3 into European Council for Radio Astronomy - “centre for European Interferometry at radio wavelengths”? ALMA, e-MERLIN, e-EVN, LOFAR, SKA