Boys, Books, and Technology 2 nd Annual Connect~Learn~Inspire I mage source: ttp://
Wikispace for Boys, Books, and Technology Join Code: DXKF9TH
Goals identify ways to engage and motivate today’s male students to read and write effectively in a digital-age reflect on your own classroom use of each strategy and think about how to apply it to the boys in your classroom discover digital-age resources to support these strategies in your classroom
Have the right stuff! more books = more reading = better reading
Have the right stuff! Are your students provided with a range of choices for their reading? How do you monitor their choices? How do you extend the range and scope of their reading selections? What can you do to increase your ability to introduce new text forms to your students?
Help make it a habit! Students need a book to read, a place to read, and time to read.
Help make it a habit! What opportunities do you provide for regular uninterrupted reading and writing in your classroom? How can you make the classroom reading area a more welcoming environment? What resources can you give students as a physical reminder of strategies or a way to track their reading progress?
Teach with purpose! Understanding boys’ learning styles
Teach with Purpose! Do you have a balance of independent and group work? Have you shown examples of what is expected? Do you offer a range of comprehension activities to include a variety of learning styles in your classroom? In what ways do you plan your lessons or daily routines to include “active” learning opportunities ?
Let them talk! Enabling and encouraging conversation in the classroom helps readers make sense of text.
Let them talk! What can you do to establish a supportive climate in your classroom? How can you encourage your students to express diverse opinions, positions, and feelings? What different forms of talk can you explore with your students?
Discovery Education Board Builder
Find positive role models! Gender role models for boys
Find positive role models! What are some ways you could get males in your school, community, and beyond involved in reading with your students ? How can you plan a time for boys in the school to read together into your daily routine? Who are male members of your community that would make positive role models for your male students?
Get the net! Using technology to get boys interested in literacy 8&tbm=isch&source=og&q=technology%20OR%20OR%20OR%20internet&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=SNiXU4PdEs KXyATtuYKQAw#facrc=_&imgdii=J_5EsDRLkvPE9M%3A%3B4D9zgeCZUxQhMM%3BJ_5EsDRLkvPE9M%3A&imgrc=J agenda%252Fsites%252Fdigital- agenda%252Fen%252Ftelecoms-and-internet%252Fopen-internet%3B1024%3B1062
Get the net! How are you currently integrating technology into your teaching? What are some other ways you could get boys interested in literacy in your school using the net ? Name one site on the net you plan to use that will stimulate literacy development for your male students. How can you get parents onboard with technology use at home?
Assess for success! Crucial: clear criteria and specific and immediate feedback s6ieMzfM#facrc=_&imgdii=_&
Assess for success! What kinds of performance assessments are you currently using in your classroom? Do you ask questions that require higher order thinking ? Do you provide a range of assessment tasks and opportunities to make certain that a range of student learning styles are considered? How are you using assessment in a real and relevant manner?
Drive the point home! Engage parents in boys’ literacy
Drive the point home! In what ways do you already involve parents in the literacy development of their children? What would be an effective way to instruct parents on literacy strategies to use at home with boys? What resources can you send home to parents so they can be an active participant in their son’s learning ?
Build a school-wide focus! Improving literacy and learning school-wide
Build a school-wide focus! Why focus on literacy as a school-wide goal ? Where does a school begin to implement a school- side literacy focus, especially if there is not already a literacy team in place? What is your role (individual teacher) in a school- wide literacy focus?
Remember... Engage and motivate male students Reflect on your classroom strategies Integrate technology for engagement ac.1.45.img rEyQJNYqWC8#q=boy+reading&safe=active&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=7eM6 content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F06%252Fphotodune the-magazine%252Freaching-reluctant-readers%252F%3B3005%3B1996
Questions? Christie Peiffer Lisa Menges
Resources dHow.pdf
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