Component D: Data Collection in Field Surveys Activity D.1: Management and monitoring of field interviewers Surveys Department EU Twinning Project
Mandatory Result of the Component Establishment of quality control methods and tools for monitoring field interviewers Surveys Department EU Twinning Project
D1 – Content Quality Control –Coverage and quality checks –Accompanying interviewers –Training and ongoing training Monitoring field interviewers –Management parameters –Efficiency parameters for interviewer's work Surveys Department EU Twinning Project 3
Topics for July /7 Quality methods: –Current state of the main field surveys –Accompanying the interviewers 22/7 Managing and monitoring: –Review of the operations unit –Efficiency checks and monitoring collection progress 23/7 Training: –Review of interviewer’s guides: business and household surveys 24/7 Conclusions and recommendations Surveys Department EU Twinning Project 4
Quality Assurance All of the field surveys (H.H. surveys) use the same technique for quality assurance checks. There are differences between the surveys regarding the parameters of the QA. The CPI field survey uses a different method for QA. Surveys Department EU Twinning Project 5
Quality Assurance - Sampling Surveys Department EU Twinning Project Longitudinal Survey Household Expenditure Survey Social Survey Labour Force Survey H.H.s finished and with phone number during the month All dwellings that began enumeration during the month Full questionnaires during the month Dwellings with full field questionnaire received during month Sampling Frame 40% of respondents 10% of gross in each stage 10% of respondents 15% of dwellings with questionnaire The Sample Random selection by system Check digit in each stage According to predetermined check digit Check digit and additions to meet the required percentage The Sampling Methodology 6
Panel survey with 8 interviews. The first interview is in the field and the rest are made by phone. The first four interviews are performed over a period of four months, followed by an 8- month break, and then 4 interviews by phone. Short questionnaire, approx. 15 min. Average response rate: Field: 80%, Telephone 84%. Sample size: 18,000 dwellings per panel; 1500 new dwellings each month. Each week the field interviewer receives a work quota of 8-10 dwellings that must be interviewed within 2 weeks. Computerized survey. Surveys Department EU Twinning Project Labour Force Survey 7
Social Survey A yearly survey; 9700 individuals sampled from the CPR. Each month the field interviewer receives a work quota of 22 individuals. There is no specific date to perform the interview. Computerized survey Surveys Department EU Twinning Project 8
Household Expenditure Survey 14,000 dwellings a year; each interview includes several visits, including filling in household expenditures for 15 days. The overall interviewing process for the complete data collection takes three weeks for each household; the work quota is dwellings a month. Paper-based questionnaire. Surveys Department EU Twinning Project 9
Household Expenditure Survey 2 The three stages of the interview: –First visit: short questionnaire – household composition and demographic data –Routine check on filling in the expenditure diary – twice a week –Last visit: long questionnaire for irregular expenses Surveys Department EU Twinning Project 10
Longitudinal Survey A panel longitudinal individual survey First wave – 8000 persons sampled; average of 45 minutes per interview Fieldwork period of 6 months The work quota was 22 households per month Surveys Department EU Twinning Project 11
The Assurance Questionnaire The most common questions are: –Was there an interviewer in the dwelling? –How many people live in the dwelling? –Who are the people living in the dwelling? –What is the address of the dwelling? –In individual surveys: Were you personally interviewed? What is your highest diploma? Surveys Department EU Twinning Project 12
CPI Survey QA The fieldwork in the CPI survey entails collection of products’ prices. The collection is performed with a PDA computer. The work quota is for one week. QA checks: –10%, verifying that the interviewer was in the store. Checked by phone call. –Items marked by the interviewer as “temporarily out of stock” are asked about –Replacing the interviewer by supervisor – once a year –Follow-up on non-response: Supervisor calls non-responding stores to make sure they were closed during the collection week. Interviewers accompanied by their supervisors Surveys Department EU Twinning Project 13
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