Tips for success at the IRL Envirothon Wildlife Section
Know: typical natural communities of the Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades (KOE) watershed, the habitats these support, typical wildlife and plants, how does the KOE geography contribute to biodiversity in Florida? what changes in the KOE watershed are effecting the landscape support to the biodiversity and ecosystem services? Why is the Rangeland Management Program important to the KOE landscape ecology? BIG HINT Examine the Science Application Questions in the KOE section of the Wildlife Guide.
Be able to identify species in the KOE and know which are listed as “imperiled species”? Why are they important, i.e. keystone species, and what impacts are effecting their survival and for other species dependent on them? How has high impact development affected species populations, such as, what is a genetic bottleneck? What is an invasive species and how are they effecting native species and habitat support? Know what government agencies and other local and non-profit programs are available to sustain species survival; name some and what type of services do they provide?
Be aware of what is a stake for species survival for both native communities and the plants and animals they support, and why? What ecosystem services do natural communities provide, how are they being displaced by high impact development? What specific government programs exist to restore or resolve impacted native communities; list some new planning strategies and explain what they are doing? What local and private programs do your counties provide to homeowners to provide habitat support to native species?
THE BIG PICTURE Study the Wildlife Guide Sections to Apply the Concepts of the Current issue pertaining to Rangeland Management: - Understand The Landscape Ecology and Biodiversity Connection to the Current Issue “Rangeland Management”. - How are the regions ranchers and farmers affect surrounding wetlands and the plants and animals that inhabit these environments? How would the Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades ecosystem benefit from rangeland management practices being implemented? What are some? How are they being developed? Know dominant invasive animals and plants altering native habitats and their effects on native wildlife and natural ecosystems. Understand Greenway Corridors and other large and small scale habitat restoration practices.