1 ILO Global Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health, Conventions 161 and 187 ( Vilnius, 15 Nov. 2007) Toru Itani Director Labour Protection Department,


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Presentation transcript:

1 ILO Global Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health, Conventions 161 and 187 ( Vilnius, 15 Nov. 2007) Toru Itani Director Labour Protection Department, ILO

2 Decent work for All Four strategic objectives: fundamental principles and rights at work and international labour standards; employment and income opportunities; social protection and social security; and social dialogue and tripartism.

3 Global Facts and Figures Accidents at work : 270 million cases each year, killing about 2.2 million people/year 160 million people are suffering from work-related diseases. Cost of accidents & diseases = 4 % of GNP Minimum wage in the lowest 20% of countries with a MW is $ 57 per month

4 C.155, R.164 (l981): –Coherent national OSH policy –Tripartism –Actions at national and undertaking levels –Responsibility of employers and workers C.161, R.171 (1985): –Coherent national policy on OHS –Consultation with the employers and workers –Functions, organization and condition of operation ILO Conventions No. 155 & No. 161

5 Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems ILO-OSH 2001

6 Global Strategy on OSH (2003 ILC Conclusions) Promotion, Awareness, Advocacy ILO Instruments (Standards, codes) Technical Assistance and Cooperation Knowledge development/management International Collaboration


8 Design Concept of the Convention No.187 Continual improvement of national OSH systems and performance through national OSH programmes (Management Systems Approach) Placing OSH high at national agendas Promote application of existing ILO OSH instruments Avoid duplications with provisions in existing instruments Soonest Ratification by most countries

9 Key Terms of the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention and Recommendation National OSH Policy National OSH System National OSH Programme National OSH Profile

10 National OSH Policy National Policy on OSH developed in accordance with the principles of Article 4 of the Occupational Safety and Health Convention (No.155)

11 National OSH Systems OSH legislation Compliance assurance including Inspection Compliance assurance including Inspection National tripartite advisory body on OSH National tripartite advisory body on OSH OSH data collection mechanism OSH data collection mechanism OSH service network OSH service network OSH training/information network OSH training/information network Arrangement to promote management and worker collaboration at the enterprise level Arrangement to promote management and worker collaboration at the enterprise level

12 National OSH Programme Medium-term strategic programme Include targets and indicators of progress Promote national preventative safety and health culture Continual improvements of OSH performance Endorsed by highest national authority

13 Information CollaborationEnforcement Standards and codes Values and principles

14 National OSH Profile Summary of OSH situation Summary of OSH system status Tools for developing national OSH programme Benchmark for progress review of national OSH systems/performance

15 Elements of Recommendation Link National OSH Programme with other programmes such as Economic Dev. Plan List of OSH instruments to be taken into account (Annex) OSH awareness campaigns/education Promote OSH management systems approach National OSH Profile (tool for review) International exchange of information

16 Why National OSH programme? Revitalising OSH action: industrialised countries Reinforce OSH action to match rapid industrialisation: developing countries Strategic plan: demonstrating cost effectiveness Required by OSH law

17 Implementation of the Promotional Framework Convention (No.187) ASEAN Plus 3 Labour Ministers’ Meeting confirmed in May usefulness of the ILO Promotional Framework on OSH Ratification has completed: Japan Keen interest expressed: Finland, Sweden, UK, France, Canada, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Suriname ….. Discussions on the way in many countries: 2007 World Day for Safety and Health at Work

18 Usefulness for Industrialized Countries 1. New Convention provides a framework for continual improvement and facilitate dialogue 2.Action plans to be elaborated based on the needs analysis for tailored plans 3.All countries have always room for improvement 4.Promote use of existing OSH Conventions 5.Facilitate inter-country exchange of experience

World Congress on Safety and Health at Work (Seoul, Korea)

20 Thank You for your Attention!