Actively engage the community to create shared responsibility for student performance and development. Submitted by: Dianne Holland and Cheryl White
Qualities of Effective Principals This book includes practical skills checklists, quality indicators and red flags for effective leadership and an extensive annotated bibliography. This is an excellent resource for both experienced and new principals.
Ed Marketing This practical guide provides public school systems with a fresh approach to building community support that translates best practices in marketing and public relations into strategies that will work for today’s schools.
Schools without Failure This book is a quick read but contains some hard, convincing recommendations for preventing failure and producing thinking, involved students.
The Principal’s Companion This books shares relevant knowledge and skills for innovative reformers and traditional leaders. Interesting suggestions that can be used immediately by practicing principals. Addresses state and national standards, supervising/evaluating, data driven decisions, technology and ethical leadership.
The Leadership Challenge Leadership is everyone’s business. Practical and inspirational lessons for leaders and their constituents in business, government, education and communities.
Shaping School Culture School culture is important in improving schools. This practical book demonstrates the many cultural roles that school leaders play and provides a clear and helpful examples of how effective leaders apply their knowledge of culture to improve their schools.
Leading Learning Communities Great principals lead schools where all educators and students perform at high levels. The most effective principals are leading schools in accordance with the NAESP Standards. The six standards prioritize the actions that are most important.
Articles Newsletters 1 Going Home by Larry Ferlazzo – Education Week TEACHER, Published Online: August 5, 2009 Building relationships with parents
Articles Newsletters 2 What Research Says About Family-School-Community Partnerships by Colorado Dept. of Educ, NCSE – National Center for School Engagement – October 2005 Reviews various involvement, offers research and examples of activities.
Articles Newsletters 3 Addressing School- Community Relations in a Cross-Cultural Context: A Collaborative Action to Bridge the Gap Between First Nations and the School – by Seth A. Agbo, Lakehead University, Journal of Research in Rural Education, 2007,22 (8). Research for new designs for improving parent involvement.
Articles Newsletters 4 Engaging the School Community, TNTP Reimagine Teaching Building positive relationships with the community – short but effective best practices.
Articles Newsletters 5 Critical Issue: Constructing School Partnerships with Families and Community Groups. ues/envrnment/famncomm/ pa400.htm ues/envrnment/famncomm/ pa400.htm This is an excellent article that provides information and an audio of other educators sharing strategies to promote school, family and community partnerships
Articles Newsletters Websites 6 Community Involvement- Why is Community Involvement Important – h?q=Why+Is+Community+In volvement+Improvement+Fo rm=VQFRVP This website provides information and videos on how community involvement can increase student achievement.