The EPIKH Project (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur EPIKH Workshop Kolkata, Porting of Regional Climate Model (RegCM4.0) on EUIndia Grid Sridhara Nayak Dr. M. Mandal Suman Maity
2 Outline Scientific description of RegCM4.0 Technical details before Grid Technical details after Grid Results Future plans Summary References 2 Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,
3 Scientific description of RegCM4.0 3 Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, RegCM4.0 is The latest version of RegCM Designed by International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy A non-hydrostatic, σ-coorindate, primitive equation model Developed by fortran-95 language Having four components such as Terrain, ICBC, RegCM, and Postprocessor Terrain and ICBC are the two components of RegCM preprocessor
4 Technical details before Grid 4 Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Operating System (OS) Any suitable version of LINUX/UNIX Compilers The model can be run with the following compilers: 1.gfortran/sunf90 These are general fortran-95 compiler on different Linux distribution gfortran compiler version should be > 4.2 These compilers are not sufficient to compile all the module of the model (Serial Part only) Compilers Contd…
55 Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, pgi compiler(pgf90/pgcc) Portland Group Fortran compiler It is not freely available The version should be >= Intel Fortran Compiler (ifort/icc) This is a very popular fortran compiler It is freely available For our case this is the most efficient one Python This is required for some utility tools of the model The version should be >= 2.5 Technical details before Grid
6 Libraries 1. NetCDF libraries with HDF5 and zlib or szlib Input/Output of RegCM4.0 stored in NetCDF format Includes data compression through HDF file format & compression library (zlib or szlib) Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Message Passing Interface (MPI) RegCM4.0 supports Parallel execution through MPI interface Offers libraries, compiler wrappers and program that execute parallel code Generally, openmpi is used
7 Technical details after Grid Interested in installing RegCM4.1 in the Grid infra- structure Technical issues can’t be solved in this short span RegCM4.0 is already available in one of the computing element (Briareo ce) of EUINDIA An attempt has been made to run the RegCM4.0 for a small domain using that executables RegCM has 4 basic steps Domain setup (Terrain, Land Cover, SST) Generation of initial condition and boundary condition (ICBC) Model run Post-processing
8 Technical details after Grid ! India &dimparam iy = 60, jx = 64 kz = 18, nsg = 1, / &geoparam iproj = ‘LAMCON', ds = 60.0, ptop = 5.0, clat = 16.00, clon = 75.00, plat = 20.00, plon = 80.00, truelatl = 2.0, truelath = 30.0, / &terrainparam domname = 'India', itype_in=1, ntypec = 10, ntypec_s = 10, ifanal =.true., smthbdy =.false., lakadj =.false., fudge_lnd =.false., fudge_lnd_s =.false., fudge_tex =.false., fudge_tex_s =.false., ntex=17, h2opct = 75., dirter = './Input', inpter = './data', / &ioparam igrads= 1, ibigend= 1, ibyte = 4, iotyp = 1, / &debugparam debug_level = 1, dbgfrq = 3, / &boundaryparam nspgx = 12, nspgd = 12, / &modesparam nsplit = 2, / &lakemodparam lkpts = 10, / &globtparam ssttyp = ‘GISST', dattyp = 'NNRP1', ehso4 =.false., globidate1 = , globidate2 = , dirglob = './Input', inpglob = './data', / &lsmparam lsmtyp = 'BATS' / &globwindow lat0 = 0.0 lat1 = 0.0 lon0 = 0.0 lon1 = 0.0 / Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Contd…
9 Technical details after Grid &outparam ifsave =.true., savfrq = 48., iftape =.true., tapfrq = 6., ifrad =.true., radisp = 6., ifbat =.true., ifsub =.true., batfrq = 3., ifchem =.true., chemfrq = 6., dirout = './output', / &physicsparam iboudy = 5, ibltyp = 1, icup = 4, igcc = 1, ipptls = 1, iocnflx = 2, ipgf = 0, iemiss = 0, lakemod = 0, ichem = 0, / &subexparam ncld = 1, fcmax = 0.80, qck1land=.250E-03, qck1oce =.250E-03, gulland = 0.4, guloce = 0.4, rhmax= 1.01, rh0oce = 0.90, rh0land=0.80, tc0 = 238.0, cevap =.100E-02, caccr = 3.000, cllwcv = 0.3E-3, clfrcvmax= 0.25, / &grellparam / &emanparam elcrit = D0, coeffr = 1.0D0, / &chemparam idirect = 1, inpchtrname = '', inpchtrsol =.00, inpchtrdpv =.00000,.00000, inpdustbsiz =.00,.00, / Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, &aerosolparam aertyp = 'AER00D1' ntr = 10, nbin = 4, / &restartparam ifrest =.false., idate0 = , idate1 = , idate2 = , nslice = 120, / &timeparam radfrq = 30., abemh = 18., abatm = 540., dt = 180., ibdyfrq = 6, /
10 Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Technical details after Grid #!/bin/bash # Pull in the arguments. #MY_EXECUTABLE=`pwd`/$1 MY_EXECUTABLE=$1 MPI_FLAVOR=$2 # Convert flavor to lowercase in order to pass it to mpi-start. MPI_FLAVOR_LOWER=`echo $MPI_FLAVOR | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` # Pull out the correct paths for the requested flavor. eval MPI_PATH=`printenv MPI_${MPI_FLAVOR}_PATH` # Ensure the prefix is correctly set. Don't rely on the defaults. eval I2G_${MPI_FLAVOR}_PREFIX=$MPI_PATH export I2G_${MPI_FLAVOR}_PREFIX # Touch the executable. It must exist for the shared file system check. # If it does not, then mpi-start may try to distribute the executable # (while it shouldn't do that). #touch $MY_EXECUTABLE # Setup for mpi-start. export I2G_MPI_APPLICATION=$MY_EXECUTABLE export I2G_MPI_APPLICATION_ARGS= export I2G_MPI_TYPE=$MPI_FLAVOR_LOWER export export # If these are set then you will get more debugging information. export I2G_MPI_START_VERBOSE=1 #export I2G_MPI_START_DEBUG=1 # Invoke mpi-start. $I2G_MPI_START
11 Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Technical details after Grid #!/bin/sh # This function will be called before the execution of MPI executable. #pre_run_hook () { # STEP 0 # Create the directories echo "Create necessary directories" mypwd=`pwd` cmd="mkdir RCM4simulation RCM4simulation/output RCM4simulation/Input RCM4simulation/DATA" echo $cmd $cmd if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error creating directories. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Everything's OK. echo "Successfully created the dirs" # STEP 1 # Transfer Input Data Files from SE to WN. echo "Downloading Input Data Files from SE" # Actually transfer the data. cmd="cd RCM4simulation" $cmd cmd="lcg-cp --vo euindia lfn:/grid/euindia/suman/data.tar.bz2 file:/$mypwd/RCM4simulation/data.tar.bz2" mypwd=`pwd` #cmd="cp /tmp/data.tar.bz2 $mypwd" echo $cmd $cmd if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error transfering data files. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Everything's OK. echo "Successfully downloaded the files" Contd…
12 Technical details after Grid # STEP 2 # Untar the data files echo "Untar the Data Files" cmd="tar xjf data.tar.bz2" echo $cmd $cmd if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error untarring data files. Exiting..." exit 1 fi cmd="lcg-cp --vo euindia lfn:/grid/euindia/suman/ file:/$mypwd/" # cmd="cp /tmp/ $mypwd" echo $cmd $cmd if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error copying file. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Everything's OK. echo "Successfully untarred input files" # STEP 3 # PRE Processing tools. echo "Running some PRE-Processing: terrain" cmd="/opt/exp_soft/regcm/terrain" echo $cmd $cmd if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error running terrain. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Everything's OK. echo "Successfully runned Terrain pre processing tool" Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Contd…
13 Technical details after Grid # STEP 4 # PRE Processing tools. echo "Running some PRE-Processing: sst" cmd="/opt/exp_soft/regcm/sst" echo $cmd $cmd if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error running sst. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Everything's OK. echo "Successfully runned sst pre processing tool" # STEP 5 # PRE Processing tools. echo "Running some PRE-Processing: icbc" cmd="/opt/exp_soft/regcm/icbc" echo $cmd $cmd if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error running icbc. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Everything's OK. echo "Successfully runned icbc pre processing tool" return 0 } # This function will be called after the execution of MPI executable. # A typical case for this is to upload the results to a storage element. post_run_hook () { echo "Executing post hook." echo "Finished the post hook." return 0 } Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,
14 Technical details after Grid [ JobType = "Normal"; CERequirements = "smpgranularity==4"; CpuNumber = 4; Executable = ""; Arguments = "/opt/exp_soft/regcm/regcmMPI OPENMPI"; StdOutput = "standard.out"; StdError = "standard.err"; InputSandbox = {"",""}; OutputSandbox = {"standard.err","standard.out"}; OutputSandboxBaseDestUri = "gsi"; Requirements = (other.GlueCEUniqueID == ""); ] Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, regcm.jdl
15 Results Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Domain setup (Terrain, Land Cover, SST) Generation of initial condition and boundary condition (ICBC) xModel run xPost-processing Domain chosen: Central India (58 o E – 92 o E, 0 o N - 32 o N) Grid resolution taken: 60 km Domain Setup and generation of ICBC successfully done Next two steps were not completed due to some missing information in (parameter file) The above problem can be shorted out and the model can be run at our home institution
16 Future plans RegCM4.0 will be implemented over Indian region 30 o E o E and 15 o S - 45 o N Grid resolution of 30 Km Duration of simulation is ~ 40 years RegCM4.0 with CLM3.5 coupler will be used Intel compilers (ifort) will be chosen Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,
17 Summary Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, RegCM4.0 is already available in one of the computing element (Briareo ce) of EUINDIA jdl file and shell scripts has successfully been written and tested for domain setup and generating ICBC The present problems can be shorted out to run the model successfully The model can successfully be implemented over our future domain
18 References MPI Job Submission on Briareo Regcm: Installing and configuring the RegCM package Gridseed | Tutorials – RegCM Simple Job Cycle: An explanation of how to use the job management commands to prepare and submit a simple job, monitor its status and retrieve the output RegCM4 Tutorial: part 2 running a simulation 4+simulation Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,
19 Thank You Any Questions …??