1. Draw back ball and tap forward with inside of right foot 2. Draw back ball and tap forward with inside of left foot 3. Draw back ball and tap forward with laces of right foot 4. Draw back ball and tap forward with laces of left foot 5. Draw back ball and tap forward with outside right foot while moving in a circle 6. Draw back ball and tap forward with outside left foot while moving in a circle 1. Standing still, lightly touch the top of the ball with soles 2. Moving in a circle around the ball, lightly touch the top of the ball with soles 3. Moving in the opposite direction, lightly touch the top of the ball with soles 4. Lunging, lightly touch the top of the ball with soles 1. Move the ball between your feet in one spot with instep 2. Move the ball between your feet across the grid and back with instep 3. Move the ball between your feet forward and backward with instep 4. Roll the ball between your feet in one spot with soles 5. Roll the ball across the grid. Roll with right foot, stop with left, moving left. Return back with left foot, stop with right, moving right. 6. Roll the ball with your soles forward and backward in the grid Each of these series should be done at game-speed for two minutes. Work towards doing the combinations at the end of this. Try to do them 4-5 days a week, with 30 second breaks in between. Be sure to stretch and drink water!
1. Four touches between feet with instep, roll ball across grid with sole, return. 2. Four touches between feet with instep, pull-turn with sole, return. 3. Four touches between feet with soles, roll ball across grid with sole, return. 4. Four touches between feet with soles, pull-turn with sole, return. 1. Two touches with instep, then “escape” touch with outside of foot across grid (R/L/Outside Right) 2. Two touches with soles, then “escape” touch with outside of foot across grid 3. Repeat #1 4. Repeat #2 1. Touch right foot instep, left foot instep forward, pull back right sole. 2. Touch left foot instep, right foot instep forward, pull back left sole. 3. Touch right foot, left foot forward, pull back right sole AND behind/across body 4. Touch left foot, right foot forward, pull back left sole AND behind/across body
1. Touch ball forward with sole of right foot 2. Spin over ball and roll backwards 4-6 touches 3. Touch ball forward with sole of left foot 4. Spin over ball and roll backwards 4-6 touches, returning to first spot 1. Touch ball forward with sole of right foot 2. Right-scissor over the ball, then left-scissor over the ball 3. Touch ball with outside right foot to the right 4. Roll the ball backwards to starting point 5. Repeat with left 1. Triangle touch to the right (Touch right instep, left instep forward, pull back right sole.) 2. Hat dance to left (Move the ball between your feet across the grid and back with instep) 3. Hat dance to right (Move the ball between your feet across the grid and back with instep) 4. Backwards touches 5. Repeat to the left Combo #1 Combo #2 Combo #3
1. “Escape” touch right (Two touches instep, then “escape” touch outside of foot across grid) 2. Hat dance backwards to start 3. “Escape” touch left (Two touches instep, then “escape” touch outside of foot across grid) 4. Hat dance backwards to start 1. Four touches between feet with instep, pull-turn with sole across grid 2. Moving in a left circle around the ball, lightly touch the top of the ball with soles 3. Four touches between feet with instep, pull-turn with sole across grid 4. Moving in a right circle around the ball, lightly touch the top of the ball with soles Combo #4 Combo #5