Fire Fighter!
Prefixes re- – again replay un- – not/opposite of unkind dis- – not disagree pre- – before prepay mis- – wrong misplace
Suffixes -er/or – a person who teacher -ish – like/having characteristics of childish -ful – full of beautiful -less – without careless -able – able to washable -ly – in a ___ wayhappily
Blend the sounds to read the words. closelyteacher neatlyhiker helpfulvisitor playful sailor cheerfulsheepish Suffixes –ly,-ful,-er,-or,-ish
On Your Own Page 385 Suffixes –ly,-ful,-er,-or,-ish
burning Definition: on fire Sentence: The fire truck raced to the burning building.
masks Definition: coverings for the face Sentence: Fire fighters have to wear masks to stay safe.
station Definition: a building where a service takes place Sentence: The fire trucks are inside the fire station.
building Definition: a place with walls and a roof Sentence: That building is three stories high.
quickly Definition: in a fast way Sentence: The man walked quickly through the airport.
roar Definition: a loud, deep noise Sentence: The roar of the crowd scared us.
tightly Definition: fitting in a close way Sentence: The children are tightly grasping the rope.
On Your Own Page 386
Fact and Opinion Brain Pop
My Uncle, the Firefighter Page 195
On Your Own Page 387
Fire Fighter!
gladlyhopeful conductor fighterreddish kindly peacefulrunner boyish Read the words.
On Your Own Page 389
Page 197
Choose from the word bank. Carl parked the fire truck in the fire __________. The school __________ is next to a park. I heard the loud __________ of a plane. Firefighters put on __________ to help them breathe. At the sound of an alarm, a firefighter __________ slid down the pole. The windows were shut __________ against the winter storm. A fire was __________ brightly in the fireplace. building masks tightly quickly station burning roar
Page 198 Fire Fighter!
Sort these words -ly -er -ful -or tightly peaceful actor gladly foolish player director helpful greenish quickly sailor graceful boyish -ish
Read these words: loudlyeditor hopefulboyish swimmersuddenly
building mask roar quickly tightly station burning Roll the Dice Take turns rolling the dice. If it is your turn, you pick the vocabulary word. EVERYONE in the group will complete each task. If you roll… this! 1.Write a synonym. 2.Draw a picture. 3.Write a sentence. 4.Write the word three times. 5.Write the definition. 6.Underline all of the vowels.
Let’s Practice It Author’s Purpose
Let’s Practice It Fact and Opinion
Fire Fighter!
Write each word on your whiteboard. Divide each word into syllables. silentplayground pencilsudden rainbowsilver locatetiger secretthunder
Suffix -ly On Your Own Page 390
Read these words: joyfulfamilyclosely flowerspullgardener blackishbreakoutside heardoilcrowded oncehappilynow
Fire Fighter!
Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best! Spelling Test