Making Predictions
Use clues in the story to help you predict Use clues in the story to help you predict Use what you already know Use what you already know
Making Predictions Preview the cover of the book Look at the illustrations and headings Based on the clues found in the text and your background knowledge, predict what the book may be about. Stop periodically and use clues from the reading to make or change your predictions Check your predictions to see if they were accurate
Read and make your prediction! On the way to school Ryan hit a big bump and fell off his bike. After he fell he stood up and saw that he had skinned his knee. When he got to school his pants were ripped. What do you think he will do?
Possible Answer: Ryan would probably call home and ask someone to bring him a different pair of pants. Ryan would probably call home and ask someone to bring him a different pair of pants.
Read and predict When Brandon and Deon were camping they decided to go fishing. While they were fishing they caught twelve fish. When it was time to go back to the camp site they put all the fish in a bucket. What do you think that they did with the fish? Why?
Possible Answer I predict that Brandon and Deon will take the fish out of the bucket when they get back to the camp site and then they will cook and eat the fish for dinner.
Read Carefully The two football teams were tied. The quarterback threw the ball down the field. The running back caught the ball and took off running. The crowd cheered wildly as the football player ran toward the goal line. two Make two different predictions that could happen next and explain why.
2 possible answers 1. I predict that he scores a touchdown. 2. I predict that he gets tackled before he reaches the goal line.
Read the story and predict! Grandma put the cookies in the oven and then went into the living room to finish cleaning. After she finished cleaning she sat on the couch to rest. Grandma was so tired she fell asleep. Predict two things that could happen next and explain why.
Possible Answer 1. Grandma woke up because the smoke detector was going off. 1. Grandma woke up because the smoke detector was going off. 2. Grandma woke up and smelled the cookies burning in the oven.