Timeline of European History Ancient Medieval Modern History History History History History History (Middle Ages or Dark Ages) (Middle Ages or Dark Ages) 500 AD AD Fall of Roman EmpireRenaissance Fall of Roman EmpireRenaissance< I I > Ancient thinkers try Life in Europe is difficult Renaissance to figure out the world; & dangerous; few people scholars rediscover Great accomplishments are educated & little knowledge of the in art, math, philosophy, advancement in learningancients & create etc… takes place; Christian amazing art, Church is all powerful architecture, Church is all powerful architecture, & people look to it literature, etc…; & people look to it literature, etc…; to lead them to a Christian Church still to lead them to a Christian Church still happy eternity.very powerful & influential in society. happy eternity.very powerful & influential in society.
But … … what if you (as a Renaissance thinker) discovered that the “ALL KNOWING ANCIENTS” were wrong??? Or, what if you disagreed with something that the ALL POWERFUL Christian Church taught you???
The Scientific Revolution: Chapter 6, Section 1 What new ideas changed the way people thought (& thinkers responsible for them)? What new ideas changed the way people thought (& thinkers responsible for them)? What will we learn? What did people think like before the Scientific Revolution? What did people think like before the Scientific Revolution? Why were some new ideas controversial? / I\
Before the Scientific Revolution people answered questions about the physical world with stories, myths, & “common sense” people answered questions about the physical world with stories, myths, & “common sense” people believed in geocentric theory: - belief that the earth was at the center of the universe with moon, sun, & planets moving in perfect circles around it people believed in geocentric theory: - belief that the earth was at the center of the universe with moon, sun, & planets moving in perfect circles around it - Taught by ancient Greeks Aristotle (philosopher) and Ptolemy (astronomer) - supported by Christian Church God made it this way!
BAM!!! A new way of thinking... The Scientific Revolution a new way of thinking about the natural world based on observation & experimentation use of scientific method a new way of thinking about the natural world based on observation & experimentation use of scientific method questioned knowledge of the ancients (& challenged some of the church’s teachings) questioned knowledge of the ancients (& challenged some of the church’s teachings) began in the mid-1500s in Europe began in the mid-1500s in Europe COOL FACT: ideas spread in European coffeehouses! COOL FACT: ideas spread in European coffeehouses!