Religious and Spiritual Experience Think of a time in your life when something gave you this feeling of the “wholly other”. What was it and why do you think you felt like that?
Religious and Spiritual Experience A religious experience it something that most people experience, but do not always call “religious”; it is perhaps that “tingly feeling”, that experience of something “other”. It may be when we hear a particular piece of music, see the view from the top of the mountain, visit a big cathedral: it is a feeling that reminds us of our own smallness. It is hard to put these feelings into words. We might try by using an expression such as “a sense of awe” or “a sense of wonder”. Some people use the word: “numinous” – the presence of God which inspires awe and reverence.
Religious and Spiritual Experience People express their belief in God following their religious experience in different ways: -Some may pray, and want to spend time talking to God. -Others may meditate, they sit quietly, try to empty their minds of ordinary thought and listen to their spiritual feelings. -Others may attend religious services, to worship God with others. There are also different ways in which belief in God can be expressed: in art; in religious buildings; in music; and in religious ceremonies.
L/O: To consider the concept of worship and explore key features of public and private worship. Either - Think of a hobby or activity that you enjoy. Make a list of ways in which you show dedication and commitment to this. Or – Compile a list of ways to show respect.
What is worship? Definition: Worship is seen by Christians to be an act of respect or devotion to God. This means it is: -Paying special attention to God and showing he is important. -A way of honouring God and developing a relationship with him. -Showing love and commitment to God. -Thanking and praising God. -Asking God for help and guidance. -Asking God for forgiveness or strengthen their faith. Differences: 1. Different denominations within Christianity have different forms and patterns of worship. 2. Christians may worship privately at home and in specially designed buildings.
Christian Worship Cards: Sort into 3 categories – Public, Private, Symbols. altarstained-glass windowsprayer book BibleEucharistbread and wine The Lord’s Prayersilent prayersermon singingiconstatues and images crucifixcrosspulpit lecternchoir stallskneelers communion tableorganMass Holy Communionrosary beadsincense
How do different Christian denominations worship? DenominationFeatures of Worship 1. What does the Church look like (pictures/ symbols/ plain). 2. Features of the service (what is said/ who leads the service/ how does the congregation participate?) Church of England Roman Catholic Church Greek Orthodox Church Quakers
L/O: To explore some differences in the ways in which Christians worship. (Quakers) (Christian Orthodox) (Pentecostal DenominationKey Features - What does the Church look like (pictures/ symbols/ plain). Features of the service (what is said/ who leads the service/ how does the congregation participate?) Roman Catholic Church Church of England Quakers Greek Orthodox Pentecostal