Mental Health Network Dashboard: A synthesis from the Mental Health Intelligence Network data Anna Bilham, Quality Improvement Project Manager & Fay Beck, Quality Improvement Analyst
Introduction The data platform The indicators and how they link with our work Next Steps
Where is the data from? PHE Fingertips platform group/mental-health group/mental-health
PHE Fingertips Tool
How did we decide on which data indicators to include? Zero Suicide Collaborative Improving access to IAPT services Supporting delivery of guidance for crisis and liaison CAMHS – what a good service should look like Objective: The prevention of Premature mortality and morbidity Objective: Enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions Objective: Helping people to Recover from episodes of ill- health
Socioeconomic deprivation: % of people living in 20% most deprived areas (2012) Long-term unemployment: % of working age population (June 2014) Higher risk drinking: % of people drinking at increasing or higher risk levels ( ) Migrant GP registrations: Rate per 1,000 resident population (2012) Demographics – Risk Factors
Prevalence of common mental health disorders In 2012/13 there were 227,858 people within the South West recorded on practice disease registers as suffering from Depression. We have no reliable or current estimates of anxiety prevalence. But PHE estimated that approximately 526,229 people (15.8%) in the South West in 2014/15 have a Common Mental Health disorder.
SWSCN IAPT work programme In the first quarter of 2014/15 23,595 patients were referred to IAPT services in the South West Re-established IAPT Expert Reference Group – First meeting 13 November 2014 Aim: support services to meet the national targets by April 2015
IAPT * Denotes missing data
Zero Suicide Collaborative 3 improvement days will be held between January and March 2015 Aim: Reduce suicides to zero across the SW of England by October By the end of December, projects will have been identified: High risks groups, Reduce access to means of suicide, Provide better support to those affected or bereaved by suicide Support media in delivering sensitive approaches Support research, data collection and monitoring.
What is the mortality rate for Suicide and injury of undetermined intent? Original data source: ONS Between there were approximately 416 people in the South West that died due to suicide or from an injury of undetermined intent.
SWSCN work stream – Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Improving the physical health of patients with SMI Reduce the gap in life expectancy for people with SMI Raise awareness of issues concerning smoking and mental illness and reduce tobacco consumption in people suffering from mental illness Training programmes to improve awareness of physical health issues associated with SMI and improve staff competencies of carrying out annual physical health checks.
Severe Mental Illness (SMI) In 2012/13 QOF data showed that 0.8% of patients in the South West had severe mental illness. This translates into approximately 35,754 people in the South West. Those with severe mental illness may die years earlier (PHE fingertips) which could equate to 536,310 – 893,850 years of life lost.
SMI health checks
SWSCN Crisis Work stream Mapping the crisis response in the South West The Peninsula Learning and Action Set Developing a good practice crisis model for the SW Development of a regional patient reported outcome measure for crisis Crisis steering group including a range of stakeholders Quarterly stakeholder events, showcasing national good practice, and benchmarking concordat implementation across CCGs.
Crisis – which indicators?
Children and Young People In 2013 there were an estimated 53,957 children and young people (aged 5-16) with a mental health disorder. In 2012 PHE estimated that 17,140 children and young people aged under 17 accessed tier 3 CAMHS services and 735 accessed tier 4 services.
SWSCN Dementia work stream Project to support CCGs in increasing dementia diagnosis rates New Working Groups: -Prevention -Early Onset Dementias -Mental Health bed stay variations
Dementia Dementia diagnosis rate – September 2014 No data from fingertips but from the primary care webtool In Sept 2014 there were patients on the dementia register in the South West
Next Steps Informs current work plans Link to the Mandate – what we are judged against Measures inform the narrative about the state of MH. Limitations of the data What other indicators do YOU want to see? What do you want to do with this going forwards? BUT….
Any Questions? Anna Bilham, Quality Improvement Project Manager Fay Beck, Quality Improvement Analyst