****** McGraw-Hill/Irwin Understanding Business, 8e © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Nickels McHugh McHugh ** Human Resource Management: Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees Employees 11 CHAPTER * **
****** 11-2 HR Challenges ShortagesShortages Unskilled WorkersUnskilled Workers Undereducated WorkersUndereducated Workers Shift in Workforce CompositionShift in Workforce Composition Laws & RegulationsLaws & Regulations Single-Parent & Two- Income FamiliesSingle-Parent & Two- Income Families Attitudes Toward WorkAttitudes Toward Work Continued DownsizingContinued Downsizing Overseas Labor PoolsOverseas Labor Pools Customized BenefitsCustomized Benefits Employees With New ConcernsEmployees With New Concerns Decreased LoyaltyDecreased Loyalty
****** 11-3 Determining HR Needs 1.Prepare HR Inventory 2.Prepare Job Analysis Job DescriptionJob Description Job SpecificationJob Specification 3.Assess HR Demand 4.Assess HR Supply 5.Establish Strategic Plan
****** 11-4 Hiring Process RecruitRecruit SelectSelect Application FormApplication Form InterviewInterview TestTest InvestigateInvestigate ExamineExamine ProbationProbation Train/DevelopTrain/Develop OrientationOrientation OJTOJT ApprenticeshipApprenticeship Off-The-Job TrainingOff-The-Job Training Online TrainingOnline Training Vestibule TrainingVestibule Training Job SimulationJob Simulation
****** 11-5 Training & Development Assess NeedsAssess Needs Design TrainingDesign Training Evaluate EffectivenessEvaluate Effectiveness
****** 11-6 Training Methods 1.Employee Orientation 2.On-The-Job 3.Apprenticeship 4.Off-The-Job 5.Online 6.Vestibule 7.Job Simulation
****** 11-7 Management Development On-The-Job CoachingOn-The-Job Coaching UnderstudyUnderstudy Job RotationJob Rotation Off-The-Job Courses & TrainingOff-The-Job Courses & Training
****** 11-8 Compensation & Benefits Program Objectives Attract the right peopleAttract the right people Employee incentivesEmployee incentives Retain valued employeesRetain valued employees Maintain competitivenessMaintain competitiveness Financial security for employeesFinancial security for employees
****** 11-9 Pay Systems SalarySalary Hourly wage and dayworkHourly wage and daywork Piecework systemPiecework system Commission plansCommission plans Bonus plansBonus plans Profit-sharing plansProfit-sharing plans Gain-sharing plansGain-sharing plans Stock optionsStock options
****** Scheduling To Meet Employee Needs Flextime PlansFlextime Plans Home-Based & Other Mobile WorkHome-Based & Other Mobile Work Job-Sharing PlansJob-Sharing Plans
****** HR Laws Civil Rights Act (1964)Civil Rights Act (1964) Age Discrimination Act (1967)Age Discrimination Act (1967) Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972)Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972) Affirmative ActionAffirmative Action Reverse DiscriminationReverse Discrimination Civil Rights Act (1991)Civil Rights Act (1991) Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) Social Security Act (1935)Social Security Act (1935) Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970)Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970) Employment Retirement Income Security Act (1974)Employment Retirement Income Security Act (1974)