Progressives and Social Reform Who did what?
Child Labor Individual states began to ban child labor Minimum wage laws were passed Reform leaders: Florence Kelley
Length of Workday Lochner v. NY: court struck down maximum hours for bakers Muller v. Oregon: court upheld law limiting hours for women Reform leaders: Louis Brandeis Florence Kelley
Workplace Safety Labor departments created Labor laws passed Worker’s compensation Accident insurance Reform leaders: Rose Schneiderman Upton Sinclair
Housing New York State Tenement House Bill Reform leaders: Jacob Riis Jane Addams
Temperance 18 th amendment Reform leaders: Carrie Nation Frances Willard
Racial Justice National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (N.A.A.C.P.), Urban League, Society of American Indians Reform leaders: W.E.B. DuBois Jane Addams