CD FY08 Tactical Plan Status FY08 Tactical Plan Status Report for Networks Physical Infrastructure Rick Finnegan April 22, 2008
CD FY08 Tactical Plan Status FY08 Tactical Plan for Networks Physical Infrastructure Relevant Strategic Plan: –Core Networking Strategic Plan FY2008 v1 Tactical Plan Leader – Rick Finnegan Organizational Unit home –LSC-CNCS-NET Tactical Plan Goals –Elimination of shared media infrastructure (hubs) –Computer rooms implemented & upgraded with Cat 6 cabling –Establishment of redundant fiber paths between major computing sites
CD FY08 Tactical Plan Status Tactical Plan Activities Summary *Activity = Activity Level 1 or lower that is explicitly listed in Tactical Plan Projects: finite defined lifetime, defined deliverable. Includes R&D work. A.k.a Upgrades, … Services: same operation or task repeatedly. A.k.a. Operations, Maintenance, Support, … ^Status = Activity status with respect to schedule and budget Green = On-schedule, on-budget Yellow = not meeting schedule/budget, but Tactical Plan team has the means to fix Red = not meeting schedule/budget, and requires external action to fix External Action examples: Additional resources, schedule relief, feature relief Activity* Project or Service FTE Allocated FTE Used M&S Costs Allocated for period M&S Costs Committed for period Status^ G/Y/R Phys. Infra.Prj.75.60$178,000$102,900 Green Phys. Infra. / CorePrj.05.15$25,00$ Green Phys. Infra. / CDFPrj.05.15$7,500$ Green Phys. Infra. / GCCPrj.05.19$90,000$18,000 Green Phys. Infra. / WANPrj $5,000$ Green
CD FY08 Tactical Plan Status Project Activity: Physical Infrastructure Core Brief Description – Racks and cabling in the core network Deliverables 1.What is it – Additional racks and cabling in the core (non-customer) areas 2.When – planned vs actual delivery of racks and cables 3.Acceptance criteria is new infrastructure is up, tested and working 4.Recipients are core Customers (All Users) Key Milestones 1.What is it – number of racks and/or cables installed 2.When – planned vs actual racks, cables and costs 3.Impact is high if dates are not met because the core network is critical Metrics are helpdesk tickets for the core network Issues and Risks (specific to this activity, includes budget impact) 1.There are no issues at this time, activities are on time and within budget
CD FY08 Tactical Plan Status Project Activity: Physical Infrastructure CDF Brief Description – Racks and cabling in the CDF network Deliverables 1.What is it – Additional racks and cabling in the CDF customer area 2.When – planned vs actual delivery of racks and cables 3.Acceptance criteria is new infrastructure is up, tested and working 4.Recipients are CDF Customers Key Milestones 1.What is it – number of racks and/or cables installed 2.When – planned vs actual racks, cables and costs 3.Impact is high if dates are not met because CDF is a major customer Metrics are helpdesk tickets for the CDF network Issues and Risks (specific to this activity, includes budget impact) 1.There are no issues at this time, activities are on time and within budget
CD FY08 Tactical Plan Status Project Activity: Physical Infrastructure GCC Brief Description – Racks and cabling in GCC Computer Room B Deliverables 1.What is it – Additional racks and cabling in GCC Computer Room B 2.When – planned vs actual delivery of racks and cables 3.Acceptance criteria is new infrastructure is up, tested and working 4.Recipients are GCC Customers (CDF,D0,CMS & General Purpose Farms) Key Milestones 1.What is it – number of racks and/or cables installed 2.When – planned vs actual racks, cables and costs 3.Impact is high if dates are not met because GCC Customers are critical Metrics are helpdesk tickets for the GCC Issues and Risks (specific to this activity, includes budget impact) 1.The issue is only 20% has been done in the first half of the year, the remaining 80% will be done in the next 3 months. This should be in time to accommodate the new nodes going in to computer room B.
CD FY08 Tactical Plan Status Project Activity: Physical Infrastructure WAN Brief Description – Racks and cabling for the WAN group Deliverables 1.What is it – Additional racks and cabling in the WAN area 2.When – planned vs actual delivery of racks and cables 3.Acceptance criteria is new infrastructure is up, tested and working 4.Recipient Customers are the WAN group Key Milestones 1.What is it – number of racks and/or cables installed 2.When – planned vs actual racks, cables and costs 3.Impact is high if dates are not met because the WAN network is critical Metrics are helpdesk tickets for the WAN Issues and Risks (specific to this activity, includes budget impact) 1.There are no issues at this time, activities are on time and within budget
CD FY08 Tactical Plan Status Tactical Plan Issues and Risks Action Items –We need to make sure we get back on track with GCC Computer room B. Parts are currently on order for the remaining racks. Issues and Risks (includes overall budget impact) –There are no issues or risks that cut across multiple activities –There are no issues or risks that affect the entire Tactical Plan –There is a critical issue with GCC computer room B. 1.This risk potentially affects new worker nodes going in for CMS (300), CDF (60-105), D0 (60-105) and General Purpose farms (50) 1.Estimated probability of occurring is low. 2.Estimated impact if condition does occurs is to delay new worker node installs 3.Fall-back or Contingency plan is to add more DTI resources to the GCC
CD FY08 Tactical Plan Status Tactical Plan Status Summary Status Summary –Physical Infrastructure for computer room B is currently behind schedule. This should be solved in the next 3 months and in time for the 500 nodes being ordered. –All other areas of Physical Infrastructure seem to be on target.