Post Install Considerations: What risks can you think of based on your learning to date?
Post Install Considerations: Static electricity can damage electronic circuits Can be as little as 10 volts Builds up on people and equipment normally A spark requires 30-40,000 volts/cm Discharged by grounding to earth Via mains cables for equipment Via an earth strap for people By touching an earthed component (bare metal) Keep equipment in anti-static bags Use antistatic mats
Post Install Considerations: Static electricity can damage electronic circuits Can be as little as 10 volts Builds up on people and equipment normally A spark requires 30-40,000 volts/cm Discharged by grounding to earth Via mains cables for equipment Via an earth strap for people By touching an earthed component (bare metal) Keep equipment in anti-static bags Use antistatic mats
Equipment Damage: Stripping screw threads Dropping equipment Bending pins Loosening cables Unseating cards Have respect for the tools Chose the right tools Work carefully, avoid rushing
Risks to Data: Data loss Formatted or broken hard disk drives (HDD) Data corruption Not lost, but not trusted or usable Damaged on copying Unreadable files Always back up before starting
Service Loss: Loss of service to users Equipment or software unavailable Loss of productivity Costs to organisation Loss of business Loss of reputation Loss of money Install out of office hours Provide alternative equipment
Health and safety regulations: Take responsibility for your own and others health and safety Do not cause any electrical hazards Ensure workstations meet safety Ensure workstations meet safety requirements Report any accidents