Primary PE & School Sport Maltby Learning Trust Successes, Lessons Learnt & Vision for the future Richard McNabb – Physical Education Subject Leader
Initial Strategy (2014 – 16) Primary PE Funding announced by Government £8K per school. Initial planning to create MA as a ‘Hub’ for school sport in Maltby. MALTBY ACADEMY SPORTS HUB MALTBY REDWOOD ACADEMY LILLYHALL PRIMARY ACADEMY MALTBY MANOR ACADEMY RAVENFIELD PRIMARY ACADEMY
Initial meetings with Primary School Heads and audit of primary staff lead to the following priorities: 10 hours of specialist contact time per school Long & medium terms plans supplied and standardised across the Learning Trust. Support for primary teachers continued CPD, team teaching/mentoring. Support for extra curricular activities (Level 1 & 2 Competitions). Primary festivals, Sainsbury School Games and extra curricular sessions.
Strengths/Successes. Every child in Maltby Learning Trust receives 1 hour of Physical Education per week from Sports Coaching Specialists (approx. 1000). Increased confidence of Primary staff from one to one mentoring. Increased participation in Primary Cluster Events Greater communication between primary PE Coordinators and MA staff. Greater representation of Maltby schools in partnership events.
Challenges Faced Changing ‘Educational Landscape’ placing pressure on Primary Staff. ‘Buy in’ from SOME primary staff Capacity for staffing – matching the ‘specialists’ to the schools requiring support in specific areas. Capacity of smaller schools in the trust sustaining a focus on PE & Sport (especially extra curricular). Sustainability for both MA & Primary school in a delivery vs CPD approach to PE in primary schools.
Next Steps (2016 onwards) Planning process 1 - Areas for Development List aspects that require improvement 2 - Priorities Select the most important areas that will have maximum impact. 3 - Action Plan Details of how & who will address priories and evaluate impact.
Priorities Moving Forward PE Curriculum, Assessment & Pedagogy Extra Curricular Opportunities Extended Leadership Opportunities
Physical Education – Assessment, Curriculum & Pedagogy 2 - Establish a T&L model to secure ‘Good’ teaching/lessons/outcome for all MLT students. 3 - Embed assessment policy and procedure linked to NC 2014 Programmes of Study & age appropriate Physical capabilities (see info on skills2achieve) 4 - Secure high quality Long & medium term plans (SOW’s) linked to assessment criteria and leading to a KS3 link. 1 - Individualised package of delivery, audit, QA & CPD support for all primary staff.
EXERCISE, ENGAGEMENT & ENJOYMENTCOACHING, COMPETITION & CLUBS EYFS & KS1 -Y1 Multi-Sports Club 6 wk block -Y1 – ‘Have a Go’ clubs (BUPA & TOPS) -EYFS – ‘Active Play’ sessions (BUPA & TOPS) -Min MA -Gymnastics Performances -Dance Performances LOWER KS2 -Focused Multi-Sports Clubs based around NGB appropriately modified games (invasion, wall, strike & field). -Healthy Lifestyles Opportunities (Change for Life Clubs etc.). -School Games Festival Clubs (Level1, Level2 & Level 3). -Y3/4 Master (Football & Netball) -MA Olympics (summer competition including invasion, net/wall & athletics). UPPER KS2 -Sport Specific Clubs to lead into the CCC pathway -Rotated Recreational Activities o Dodgeball o Cheerleaders o Street Dance o Fitness Boot Camp etc. -School Games Festival Clubs (Level1, Level2 & Level 3). -Y5/6 Master MA (Football & Netball). -MA Olympics (summer competition including invasion, net/wall & athletics). Extra Curricular & School Sport Provision.
Extended Leadership Opportunities 2 – Primary Leaders Playground leaders (training provided) Equipment Monitors (rotate class each ½ term?) 3 –Primary Staff Leadership PE & School Sport Coordinator with accredited qualification. Interested staff including TA’s to support teams as usual. 1 –MA Leaders Holiday Camps After school clubs in primaries (participation pathway) Curriculum time support (work experience) Support School teams (festivals after school clubs) Master Classes Football (scholars, Netball sixth form).
Questions? Observations? Feedback?