STATEMENTS Guatama was educated in the ethics & traditions of his tribe, studied the Indian languages & classical literatures, and manifested supernatural intelligence as he grew
S TATEMENTS CONT ’ D He drew less & less satisfaction from the pleasures of the palace and yearned for deeper meaning to life During his ride in the park, he saw the four signs that motivated his search for truth
S TATEMENTS CONT ’ D He bid his family unspoken farewell & left the palace, cut his hair etc, renounced his princely title & became a monk
S TATEMENTS CONT ’ D He travelled from place to place associated with others of like desire, fasted, meditated & soon became awakened/enlightened
S TATEMENTS CONT ’ D He passed on the truth to followers or disciples during the 40 years he dedicated himself to the ministry He died at the age of 80 & was cremated
THE THREE JEWELS The foundation of Buddhist tradition and practise are ‘The Three Jewels’ or ‘Triple Gem’ These are : The Buddha (the teacher) The Dharma ( the teachings) The Sangha (the students)
T HE T HREE J EWELS ( CONT ’ D ) Taking ‘ refuge ’ in the triple gem, has traditionally been a declaration and commitment to being on the Buddhist path, and in general distinguishes a Buddhist from a non- Buddhist.
T HE T HREE J EWELS (B UDDHA ) The first Jewel is the Buddha. The word Buddha means “ the Awakened One.” It does not mean only Shakyamuni Buddha, formerly the prince Siddhartha, who became a perfect buddha in the sixth century BC, in India, who is called the ‘historical buddha.’
Buddha means all those who have awakened from the sleep of ignorance and blossomed into their full potential. They are teachers of others and are just as important as the fact that they are awakened too, and can point the way to reality. T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (B UDDHA )
T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (D HAMMA /D HARMA ) The second Jewel is the Dhamma (Pali)/Dharma (Sanskrit) means ‘to be held’ in Buddhism it means the teachings and doctrines of the Buddha. But these teachings and doctrine's are called Dhamma because they explain and describe the nature of things, the way things are, the way they operate.
T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (D HAMMA / D HARMA ) The Dhamma is to be learnt and put into practice in the course of one's daily life, for without practice one cannot appreciate the truth. The Dhamma is to be studied, and more so be practiced, and above all to be realized; immediate realization is its ultimate goal.
T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (D HAMMA /D HARMA ) The highest meaning of Dhamma therefore is reality that holds in freedom from suffering, holds in a state of bliss. It consist of those methods and the teachings of those methods that are the arts and sciences which enable the opening up of selves.
T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (D HAMMA /D HARMA ) The teachings, the practices and the implementation of the practices are also Dhamma.
T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (S ANGHA ) The Third Jewel is the ‘Sangha’ which is the community of those who learn the teachings, seek that understanding and work to embody it.
T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (S ANGHA ) There are two levels : (1)The Monastic Order for Monks. They are responsible for the main teachings, and live a simple life that will make the move towards nirvana (extinction of suffering and rebirth) easier.
T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (S ANGHA ) Monks own n o more than two robes and some thread to mend them, a razor, a bowl, a cup and a special strainer to remove insects from their drinking water.
T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (S ANGHA ) The wider community supports their work and provides them with food, hoping to gain merit for their next life. Monks go out to schools and colleges to give talks, visit those who are ill or in prison, and teach visitors to the monastery. The last part of their day is devoted to personal study and meditation.
T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (S ANGHA ) They are consciously evolving toward being buddhas, sharing their understandings and bliss with others as teachers of freedom to other beings. This includes all Buddhists everywhere and through time.
T HE T HREE J EWELS CONT ’ D (S ANGHA ) (2)The Laity. This level comprises followers who have no desire to become monks. They stress on those virtues which could be practiced in ordinary daily lives with rebirth in heaven as the goal.
THE HOLY / SACRED BOOK It was not until almost 500 years after the death of the Buddha ( 483 B.C.) that his teachings were finally written down. Monks had to make sure that everyone agreed on what was said to ensure reliability.
T HE H OLY /S ACRED B OOK ( CONT ’ D ) The scriptures are known as ‘the Tipitaka’. ‘Ti’ means ‘three’ and ‘Pitaka’ means ‘basket’. The Tipitaka was written in an ancient Indian language called ‘Pali’. It is also a very large book.
T HE H OLY /S ACRED B OOK ( CONT ’ D ) The teachings were first written on palm leaves and stored in baskets. ‘The Three Baskets’ is therefore another name for the scriptures, thus called because they contain or hold the teachings.
T HE H OLY /S ACRED B OOK ( CONT ’ D ) The three baskets are: 1. Vinaya Pitaka list rules of disciplines for monks and nuns. 2. Sutta Pitaka is a large collection of teachings (Dhamma) on various subjects, with most of them given by the Buddha.
T HE H OLY /S ACRED B OOK ( CONT ’ D 3. Abhidhamma Pitaka This is a systhematic summary or explanation of the Sutta Pitaka (along philosophical and psychological lines).
T HE H OLY /S ACRED B OOK ( CONT ’ D Two important collections of the teachings are the Pali Canon and the Sanskrit Canon. The Sanskrit Canon is in several languages and is used by the Mahayana Buddhists.
T HE H OLY /S ACRED B OOK ( CONT ’ D The Pali Canon is the most important collection of writings for Theravada Buddhists (90% world wide). It was the first collection of the teachings of the Buddha, and was written in Indian language.
T HE H OLY /S ACRED B OOK ( CONT ’ D Reading and maintaining (via library) the holy book was the responsibility of the community of monks (sangha).
BRANCHES/PHILOSOPHIES OF BUDDHISM – THE THREE VEHICLES Schisms occurred within the Sangha and had Buddhists separated. Three major branches eventually developed:
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES O F B UDDHISM CONT ’ D (T HE T HREE V EHICLES ) 1. Hinayana or the Little Vehicle 2. Mahayana or the Great Vehicle 3. Vajrayana or the Tantric Vehicle ‘Yana’ means ‘vehicle’ or ‘the way of progress’
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES O F B UDDHISM CONT ’ D (T HE T HREE V EHICLES ) Hinayana means lesser or smaller vehicle because the focus is on individual’s own self improvement and salvation or becoming an ‘arhat’ or awakened being.
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES CONT ’ D (T HE T HREE V EHICLES ) Those Buddhists who hold strictly to the letter of the doctrine resented being called inferior and so changed their doctrine to Theravada Buddhism ("The Doctrine of the Elders")
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES CONT ’ D (T HERAVADINS ) Remained faithful to the teachings of the Pali Canon. Criticized as being spiritually narrow and conservative, clinging to the letter rather than to the spirit of the master’s message.
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES CONT ’ D (T HERAVADINS ) Embrace The Four Noble Truths as central to their philosophy and practices Strong emphasis on monastic life; had separate practices for laypersons.
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES CONT ’ D (T HERAVADINS ) Revere the Buddha as a great ethical teacher, not a god Reserve their teachings for Buddhist saints. Uses the Pali Canon Scripture. Believers instructed to become Arhats (focuses upon his own enlightenment)
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES CONT ’ D (M AHAYANISTS ) Use much of the Pali writings (but saw it as incomplete) as well as the work of other. Reserve the teachings for common people Stresses compassion for others with the central goal to assist others in the quest for deliverance, (not only for the saints but for everyone)
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES CONT ’ D (M AHAYANISTS ) Converts are taught to become Bodhisattvas – great beings destined for Buddhahood but delay this goal to help others on the pathway to enlightenment. They seek liberation from suffering for all creatures, thus merits are stored up which warrant one to be a Buddha. Has both monastic and layperson traditions.
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES CONT ’ D (M AHAYANISTS ) Revere Buddha as their personal saviour, divine friend and a supreme god. Allows for divine intercession (deification of the Buddha) Believe in the three bodies (Trikaya) of the Buddha. He is historical, eternal and universal.
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES CONT ’ D (V AJRAYANA ) VAJRAYANA Recognized as a third branch, while others classify it as a part of Mahayana. Focuses on highly specific mediative and other practices designed to lead to direct realization of Buddhahood It is regarded as the symbol of highest spiritual power which is irresistible and invincible.
B RANCHES /P HILOSOPHIES CONT ’ D (V AJRAYANA ) Tantrism ( a mystical belief system which incorporates magical procedures in the attainment of supernatural powers, used in the quest for enlightenment) is a vital element of its doctrine hence its also known as Tantric Bubbhism. Tantrism uses the mind, speech and body in their meditation.
Say if each statement is true or false. 1. The teachings of the Buddha were written shortly after his death 2. The Buddhists’ scripture is called the ‘ Tipitaka’. ASSESSMENT
Say if each statement is true or false. 3. The teachings were written & stored in baskets. 4. The ‘Sutta Pitaka’ is the basket that has the direct words of the Buddha. ASSESSMENT CONT ’ D
Say if each statement is true or false. 5. Only the ‘Pali’ was regarded as a canon. ASSESSMENT CONT ’ D
Say if each statement is true or false. 5. Only the ‘Pali’ was regarded as a canon. 6. Each of the three branches/ vehicles of Buddhism has its own beliefs/concepts ASSESSMENT CONT ’ D
C HRISTIAN L INK Questions & Answers (b) Comments
1. How would you link the ‘Three Jewels’ to the Christian faith? 2. Compare & contrast the Buddhist’s holy book with the Bible 3. Is there anything a Christian may learn from the ‘ Three Vehicles’?