REVELATION By Kian and Jake
KEY TERMS Revelation- God shows himself to believers, revealing the truth about that religion. Immanence- The idea that God is present and involved with life on Earth. Transcendence- The idea that God is beyond and outside life on Earth. General revelation- God making himself know through ordinary, common human experiences. Special revelation- God making himself know through direct personal experiences or an unusual event.
HOW DOES GOD REVEAL HIMSELF? Direct meeting, vision, dream Nature Worship Miracles Prayer Sacred writings People Belief Conscience
GENERAL REVELATION This is god making himself known through ordinary common human experiences e.g. The elements of this world are greater than any we could devise so god is wise and powerful
SPECIAL REVELATION God making himself known through direct personal experience or an unusual specific event (perhaps supernatural) Information gained is clearer than that gained through general revelation
CHRISTIAN BELIEFS Christians believe in supernatural occurrences. There are three aspects of God: the Father (God), Son (Jesus) and holy spirits (which work in the world). They believe God revealed himself but in his human form- Jesus. Also, the bible is another revelation of God, which come from God through messages. God is immanent and transcendent, personal and impersonal.
THE STORY OF SAUL Saul was a Jew who was involved in the persecution of Christians. Saul was travelling on a road when a light only he could see blinded him and a Jesus’ voice spoke to him “Saul, why do you persecute me?”. Saul was blinded for 3 days until a Christian who claimed god had sent him healed Saul’s blindness, immediately after Saul became a Christian and begun preaching god’s word.
HINDU BELIEFS There is one eternal God –Brahman- who is omnipresent (even in souls- atman). He is revealed through his work directly in the world and through the actions of his many other forms. Brahman is also revealed through sacred writings.
IMPACTS OF REVELATION It is proof that God exists as it is God revealing himself. This directly impacts individuals who change religion or star being religious. A person could start a religion- for example the Buddha discovered a new way of life. The power of revelation is sufficient enough for people to face persecution and death rather than deny the truth of their revelation.
WHAT DOES REVELATION TELL US ABOUT GOD? Shows God is omniscient and omnipotent as well as immanent. Holy books and other sacred writings show God is personal and omnibenevolent. Prayers and a place of worship show God as personal and omnipresent. Miracles show God is omnibenevolent, immanent and possibly omnipotent.
ISSUE’S WITH REVELATION Special revelations occur to specific individuals and groups. They are therefore subjective and difficult to prove scientifically. Also why do they only happen to some people- are they more special? General revelations have conflicting interpretations within different religions and within the religions themselves, therefore its impossible to determine which different claims are true. Many atheists consider revelation to be an illusion due to either drugs, wishful thinking and mental illness or mirage. Scientists believe that some revelations are the result of epilepsy.