Sleeping Elephants Game
Rules Four elephants in a team
Rules All elephants go to sleep.
Rules All elephants go to sleep
Rules Then, wake up!
Example name Elephant 1, wake up ! Elephant 1, go to sleep !
Example Elephant 2, wake up ! Elephant 2, go to sleep ! Mario.
Example Elephant 3, wake up ! Elephant 3, go to sleep ! My
Example Elephant 4, wake up ! Elephant 4, go to sleep ! is
Rules Elephants 1, 2, 3 and 4, wake up ! 12 34
Rules Make a sentence and write it down name Mario. My is
Rules name Mario. My is My name is Mario.
Are you ready?!
12 34 Elephants, go to sleep !
12 34 Elephant 1, wake up ! Elephant 1, go to sleep ! no
12 34 Elephant 2, wake up ! Elephant 2, go to sleep ! 쉬기
12 34 Elephant 3, wake up ! Elephant 3, go to sleep ! problem
12 34 Elephant 4, wake up ! Elephant 4, go to sleep !.
12 34 Elephants 1, 2, 3 and 4, wake up ! No problem.
12 34 Elephants, go to sleep !
12 34 Elephant 1, wake up ! Elephant 1, go to sleep !.
12 34 Elephant 2, wake up ! Elephant 2, go to sleep ! Thanks
12 34 Elephant 3, wake up ! Elephant 3, go to sleep ! a
12 34 Elephant 4, wake up ! Elephant 4, go to sleep ! lot
12 34 Elephants 1, 2, 3 and 4, wake up ! Thanks a lot.
12 34 Elephants, go to sleep !
12 34 Elephant 1, wake up ! Elephant 1, go to sleep ! Yes
12 34 Elephant 2, wake up ! Elephant 2, go to sleep !,
12 34 Elephant 3, wake up ! Elephant 3, go to sleep ! it
12 34 Elephant 4, wake up ! Elephant 4, go to sleep ! is.
12 34 Elephants 1, 2, 3 and 4, wake up ! Yes, it is.
12 34 Elephants, go to sleep !
12 34 Elephant 1, wake up ! Elephant 1, go to sleep ! this
12 34 Elephant 2, wake up ! Elephant 2, go to sleep ! Is
12 34 Elephant 3, wake up ! Elephant 3, go to sleep ! Fan?
12 34 Elephant 4, wake up ! Elephant 4, go to sleep ! your
12 34 Elephants 1, 2, 3 and 4, wake up ! Is this your fan?
12 34 Elephants, go to sleep !
12 34 Elephant 1, wake up ! Elephant 1, go to sleep ! it
12 34 Elephant 2, wake up ! Elephant 2, go to sleep ! No,
12 34 Elephant 3, wake up ! Elephant 3, go to sleep ! Isn’t
12 34 Elephant 4, wake up ! Elephant 4, go to sleep !.
12 34 Elephants 1, 2, 3 and 4, wake up ! No, it isn’t.
12 34 Elephants, go to sleep !
12 34 Elephant 1, wake up ! Elephant 1, go to sleep ! Cap?
12 34 Elephant 2, wake up ! Elephant 2, go to sleep ! this
12 34 Elephant 3, wake up ! Elephant 3, go to sleep ! your
12 34 Elephant 4, wake up ! Elephant 4, go to sleep ! Is
12 34 Elephants 1, 2, 3 and 4, wake up ! Is this your cap?
12 34 Elephants, go to sleep !
12 34 Elephant 1, wake up ! Elephant 1, go to sleep ! this
12 34 Elephant 2, wake up ! Elephant 2, go to sleep ! Is
12 34 Elephant 3, wake up ! Elephant 3, go to sleep ! watch?
12 34 Elephant 4, wake up ! Elephant 4, go to sleep ! my
12 34 Elephants 1, 2, 3 and 4, wake up ! Is this your watch?
Great job everyone!