Novel Topologies for Active Vibration Management in Flexible Rotors Supervisors Patrick KEOGH Necip SAHINKAYA UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Researcher Chris LUSTY University of Bath
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Slide 2 Introduction Vibration is a major consideration in the design of rotating machinery This is especially the case where high speed rotation is involved Improving the ability to handle vibrations opens up new possibilities in machine design
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Slide 3 The Problem Excessive vibration at certain “critical speeds” can lead to machine damage / failure Critical speeds are a function of rotor properties Look to alter rotor properties in such a way as to shift critical speeds
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Slide 4 The Problem A preferable vibration response is shown here:
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Slide 5 The Proposed Solution The solution is conceptually inspired by tuned mass damping
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Slide 6 The Proposed Solution A practical rig has been designed to test the merit of the idea
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Slide 7 The Proposed Solution A practical rig has been designed to test the merit of the idea
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Slide 8 Conclusion or summary or future work A novel topology has been proposed to reduced vibration amplitudes in flexible rotors It has been shown to be promising by FE analysis A rig has been designed to practically test the idea The rig is designed to be progressive, enabling increasingly complex testing to explore the scope of the idea