Analogue & Digital Sophie Drinkwater. Creative Media.
Clocks. Cameras Analogue Digital Music players Analogue – record player Digital – CD player
Difference between analogue & Digital. Between a digital clock and a analogue clock a digital clock is easier to read but when there is too much light the numbers begin to disappear but a digital clock may have the advantage with the fact it can be plugged in instead of the use of having to change batteries. Between a digital camera and a analogue camera is a digital uses SD cards which is easy to take off, put on your computer and print. A analogue camera uses film. Between a digital CD player and a analogue record player is with a CD player its easy to just put a CD in, press play and you have many different songs on that disk. With a record player, your bond to just have one song on the disk and it can easily be scratched, damage and its more complicated to use.
What’s Better? Between Digital and analogue, people would have many different views. Digital is modern so it is much easier to use, but can be expensive.