ASEAN and the EU : Politico-ideological Conflict and Economic Necessities IR Moon Yu Jin
Southeast Asian and European institutionalist ideas in agenda-setting The old regionalism : the development of general integration, the deterioration of national sovereignty and the tendency toward federalism The old regionalism : the development of general integration, the deterioration of national sovereignty and the tendency toward federalism The new regionalism : interdependence because of the globalization of market and nationalism The new regionalism : interdependence because of the globalization of market and nationalism
Important different characteristics EU : supranational and functional tendencies of integration EU : supranational and functional tendencies of integration ASEAN : national sovereignty ASEAN : national sovereignty =>Both of them couldn’t approach to the strong intergovernmental aspect
Regional ideologies (1) Cluster several ideas Cluster several ideas Focus on general trends Focus on general trends In Southeast Asia, In Southeast Asia, the mosaic of regional ideas developed during a post-colonial period the mosaic of regional ideas developed during a post-colonial period
Regional ideologies (2) In Europe, the main stream developed in the Cold War two-bloc system In Europe, the main stream developed in the Cold War two-bloc system European integration : stress every element lacking in the SU’s East-European satellites ; that is, democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms expressed through egalitarian principles European integration : stress every element lacking in the SU’s East-European satellites ; that is, democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms expressed through egalitarian principles
EU’s ASEAN strategy It can be examined from two points of view It can be examined from two points of view 1. The defense of common European values, including democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms 2. The EU’s attitude toward international trade and its commitments in the WTO * No particular political disagreements arose between EU and ASEAN
To be continued However, this situation changed as the effects of post- Cold War became obvious in the Asia-Pacific area However, this situation changed as the effects of post- Cold War became obvious in the Asia-Pacific area The differences btw EU’s and ASEAN’s approaches to political and social questions, especially involving human rights, stood out prominently The differences btw EU’s and ASEAN’s approaches to political and social questions, especially involving human rights, stood out prominently --->ASEAN rejected the Community’s policy of --->ASEAN rejected the Community’s policy of imposing sanctions against Beijing imposing sanctions against Beijing The EU’s policy toward East Asia and Southeast Asia combined its political agenda with the economic interests of the EU and its member countries The EU’s policy toward East Asia and Southeast Asia combined its political agenda with the economic interests of the EU and its member countries
EU-ASEAN dialogue Two opposing issues between EU and ASEAN Two opposing issues between EU and ASEAN 1. The East Timor question ASEAN : a domestic matter ASEAN : a domestic matter EU : keeping attention on human rights EU : keeping attention on human rights 2. The approach to Myanmar ASEAN : involved the organization’s unity ASEAN : involved the organization’s unity EU : economic sanctions and isolation of Rangoon EU : economic sanctions and isolation of Rangoon government government :::::> Both of EU’s agenda square off against ASEAN’s doctrines of regional unity and sovereignty.
EU-ASEAN dialogue The EU’s attempt to include labor standards in the WTO’s negotiations ( + support from the US) The EU’s attempt to include labor standards in the WTO’s negotiations ( + support from the US) => A rather divided response from the ASEAN countries Asia-Europe Meeting(ASEM) Asia-Europe Meeting(ASEM) : an arena for dialogue btw the EU and East and : an arena for dialogue btw the EU and East and Southeast Asian countries Southeast Asian countries : Basic idea of ASEM …? : Basic idea of ASEM …? ::::> mutual interdependence ::::> mutual interdependence : the ASEM process was closely associated with the : the ASEM process was closely associated with the EU-ASEAN dialogue EU-ASEAN dialogue
EU-ASEAN dialogue The EU has more ability to make important international treaties binding on its members while the ASEAN gov. not the organization, are in the crucial position The EU has more ability to make important international treaties binding on its members while the ASEAN gov. not the organization, are in the crucial position The first ASEM summit adopted The first ASEM summit adopted two-track co-operation scheme two-track co-operation scheme 1. The conventional diplomatic and political discussion btw the national governments and the EU’s institutions 2. Co-operation : consist of important unofficial interaction among NGOs, academic institutions and businesses
EU-ASEAN dialogue Whether the ASEM process has managed to reinforce a tri-polar world structure remains open to question Whether the ASEM process has managed to reinforce a tri-polar world structure remains open to question Myanmar’s coming membership Myanmar’s coming membership The expansion of ASEM The expansion of ASEM : India, Myanmar, Australia and New Zealand : India, Myanmar, Australia and New Zealand