edsd Danyl For keeping his glasses on for almost the entire day. Well done Daniel! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Cameron For reading half of the first 100 words. Well done Cameron! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Daniel For good work on subtraction in maths. Well done Daniel! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Toby For good participation in the ‘sausage roll’ interactive game in the Attention Autism session. Well done Toby! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Alix For fantastic use of the touchscreen by relaxing her right arm. Well done Alix! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Harvey For excellent behaviour all day during the music rehearsals at Ferneham Hall. Well done Harvey! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Zephan For excellent participation in maths and comparing objects of different lengths independently. Well done Zephan! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Callum For trying new sandwich fillings. Well done Callum! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Sam For remembering he had a dentist appointment and reminding staff in the morning. Well done Sam! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Sam For successfully completing courses on Hair and Automotive at Basingstoke College of Technology. Well done Sam! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Mollie For successfully completing courses on Hair and Automotive at Basingstoke College of Technology. Well done Mollie! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Emma For successfully completing courses on Hair and Automotive at Basingstoke College of Technology. Well done Emma! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Kubahang For successfully completing courses on Hair and Automotive at Basingstoke College of Technology. Well done Kubahang! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Jake For successfully completing courses on Hair and Automotive at Basingstoke College of Technology. Well done Jake! Date: 4th March 2016 Achievement Award
edsd Date: 4th March 2016 Communicator of the Week Shannon For greeting a known adult in the afternoon by saying ‘hello’. Well done Shannon!
edsd Date: 4th March 2016 Communicator of the Week Tiarna For independently requesting an item for snack. Well done Tiarna !