English II—October 19, 2015 Daily Warm-up: Think of a memorable and complex character from a book or film who advanced the plot or theme of the work. List three to five adjectives to describe this character. For each adjective, explain why you attribute this trait to the character and determine whether your interpretation is based on direct or indirect characterization. Homework: – Study for Lesson 11 and Unit 4 Quiz – Reading Plus due Sunday at 11:59
English II—Lesson 11 Vocabulary interrogation—n. the action of interrogating or the process of being interrogated. cognition—n. the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. elaborate—adj. involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning. sentiment—n. a view of or attitude toward a situation or event; an opinion. innovate—v. make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products. sonorous—adj. capable of producing a deep or ringing sound. transcribe—v. put (thoughts, speech, or data) into written or printed form. corpulent—adj. (of a person) fat. insoluble—adj. impossible to solve. dormant—adj.(of an animal) having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep.
Unit 4 Vocabulary justice criteria advance direct characterization indirect characterization complex character character sketch oral interpretation stage directions stichomythia ode dynamic character static character foil
Unit 4 Embedded Assessment 1 Your assignment is to research, analyze, and present an oral interpretation of a monologue. Your monologue must be from a work of literature (book or play). You will need to use vocal and visual delivery to convey a complex character’s voice. You will write a sketch of the character you are portraying. You will also evaluate your own and other students’ performances and write a reflection on your oral interpretation of Literature.
Unit 4 Embedded Assessment #1—Perform a Monologue Presenting an Oral Interpretation of Literature The performer provides a thorough written explanation of steps taken to plan the interpretation. The performer writes a reflection that accurately evaluates strengths and weaknesses of the performance. The performer includes an insightful analysis of what has been learned about characterization and oral interpretation. The performer selects a passage of strong literary merit that conveys a complex character. The performer introduces the oral interpretation in an engaging manner. The performer provides well-researched information to place the passage in the context of the work. The performer uses effective vocal and visual delivery strategies to orally interpret a text. The performer engages the audience with eye contact, rarely referring to notes. The performer demonstrates active listening by taking detailed notes and responding thoughtfully to other performances.
Direct and Indirect Characterization Direct characterization is when the narrator or author provides information about the character. – John is shy and quiet. – Mary is loud and boisterous. Indirect characterization is when the narrator or author shows the character interacting with others, thinking about circumstances, or speaking his or her thoughts aloud. – Five methods of indirect characterization Speech, thoughts, actions, appearance, and comments by other characters. A complex character is one that has multiple or conflicting motivations.
Check Your Understanding Answer the following questions: – What specific details can you identify that help you understand this character? – What words or phrases caught your interest? – Based on these words and details, what inferences can you make about the character? – Explain why this example demonstrates the method of characterization. Choose a character from a book you’ve read and describe how the author uses both direct and indirect characterization to develop the character. – Write at least a paragraph.
Scenario Game You have one line: “Honey, I’m home.” You may not say anything else. Use your vocal delivery, facial expressions, and movements to portray the scenario on the card. Keep trying until someone guesses your scenario.
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet What kind of justice do the Capulets ask for and why do they think that is just? What aspects of the fighting and deaths does Benvolio emphasize? What do the Montagues ask for and why do they believe that would be a just decision? What makes the Prince a complex character in this scene?
Romeo & Juliet Courtroom Drama If Romeo & Juliet were a TV courtroom drama... Who is being accused of a crime? What is the crime? Who is the judge? Who provides eyewitness testimony? What is the sentence?
Romeo & Juliet Courtroom Drama Use vocal delivery to present this scene as though it’s played in a TV courtroom drama. Choose a character to write your character sketch Perform an oral reading of your character’s lines As you are watching your group, analyze their performances in the chart on pg. 233