Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Lynn Perez, Deputy Director HHSA Bruce Wilson, Director Napa-Lake Workforce Investment Board Designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
On July 23, 2014, President Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) 2 New Federal Legislation
3 History of Local Workforce Programs New Deal era programs, including the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) ’s Manpower Development & Training Act Comprehensive Employment & Training Act (CETA) Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Under WIA 32+ Member Workforce Investment Board Under WIOA 19+ Member Workforce Development Board 4 Compare & Contrast
Under WIA Focus on the One-Stop Career Center system Under WIOA Focus on: – employer engagement – education system engagement – career pathway development – performance oversight of the One-Stop Career Center system 5 Compare & Contrast
Under WIA One-Stop Career Center systems were “grandfathered in” Under WIOA One-Stop Career Center systems must be competitively procured (DOL is discouraging workforce boards from operating programs and One-Stop Career Centers) 6 Compare & Contrast
Under WIA Focus on local Workforce Investment Area Under WIOA Focus is both local and regional, with regional workforce development programs aligning with regional economic development strategies 7 Compare & Contrast
Under WIA Focus on serving in-school youth Under WIOA Focus on serving out-of-school youth 8 Compare & Contrast
October 1, 2015 New Workforce Board appointed by CLEO; Bylaws established July 1, 2015 Start of 1 st program year; most WIOA provisions take effect July 1, 2016 Competitively procured One-Stop Career Center system established 9 Transition Milestones
Recommendations to the Board of Supervisors Current WIB Members Workforce Experts Local Community Workforce board members and staff will consult with various groups and develop a set of recommendations for the transition. 10 Informed Approach
County Board of Supervisors in its capacity as the CLEO will co-lead. Responsible for: Submitting application to the state as grant recipient and for local area designation (Today’s Action) Establishing Workforce Development Board & appointing members Committing to National Workforce Development Framework Endorsing and adopting the Local Workforce Development Plan Phase 1: Infrastructure Workforce Development Board will co-lead Responsible for: Re-inventing itself Developing and fine-tuning the delivery system Writing the local workforce development system plan Selecting One-Stop Operator(s) and Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Program Operator(s) Phase two will take place over one year (July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016) New delivery system will roll out July 1, 2016 Phase 2: Policy & Oversight 11 Phased Approach
Request for Local Workforce Development Area designation Local Workforce Development board (local board) initial certification Validating our negotiated levels of performance and actual levels of performance for PY’s and Validating list of currently appointed local board membership Identify actions the Chief Local Elected Official (BOA) will take in order to ensure WIOA local board membership compliance by June 30, 2016 Sustained fiscal integrity Local Area Assurances 12 More About Today’s Action