Research and Presentation Skills for Physicists What you will learn What you will do Tasks and Tools What you will learn What you will do Tasks and Tools
What you will learn How to research a topic How to reference your sources How to produce a report How to present a seminar or lecture
What you do Research a topic using suitable references Produce a reference list Produce a short report Produce an abstract of a report Prepare and deliver a talk which teaches skills Prepare and deliver a talk which presents ideas (or findings) Use powerpoint or similiar tools
Tasks and tools (9 lessons) Lesson 0 14/6/10 p4&5 Maths lesson Please attend if not attending A level maths classes that day Lesson 1 16/6/10 p1 Research skills and topic allocations Lesson 2 21/6/10 p3 Individual review of research so far with CLo (anyone going on Biology field trip to arrange appt with CLo before 18/6/10) Lesson 3/4 28/6/10 p4&5 Presentation of abstracts and peer assessment Lesson 5 30/6/10 p1 Written feedback from CLo and target setting (further skills teaching as necessary) Lesson 6 5/7/10 p3 Individual review of research so far with CLo Lesson 7/8 12/7/10 p4&5 Presentations by all students – peer and teacher assessment Lesson 9 14/7/10 p1 Peer assessment of final reports Animal Behaviour day 19/7/10 p3 All Physics students are requested to help support the science faculty during this period. Each student must see CLo to arrange a meeting this week for feedback on their final report.
Home learning 14/6/10 Home learning will be set depending on topics which need more work – 16/6/10 Research on topic set this lesson 21/6/10 Completion of abstract based on CLo feedback for next lesson 28/6/10 Further work on report and presentation based on peer assessment 30/6/10 Further work on abstract, report and presentation based on targets set this lesson 5/7/10 Further work on abstract, report and presentation based on individual review: ensure that presentation is ready for 12/7/10 12/7/10 Further work on abstract and report based on feedback 14/7/10 Arrange to see CLo for final feedback meeting
Internet resources List this is an Australian Govt sponsored website with a range of useful activities and resources A US maths revision website The UK official particle physics website The official CERN website