MT Awards Service World skills Promote Talent Develop Children & Young People Success and Bright Future for Students
COMPETITIONS English Mathematics Science Poem Story Arts General Knowledge Dance Sports Short Film Music Keyboard Violin Miridangam Photography Language
MTA Other Services We also provide advice and educational support to disadvantaged students throughout the world. We strive hard to promote moral and ethical values and help to protect people from social abuse. We work with strong values, principles, code of conduct and priorities. Our most important objective are to promote students and their talents. To achieve these goals, we organise yearly education competitions. The students Confidence and encourage them to succeed.
MT Awards National & International
Surprise gift Surprise talent awards
Under 35% Participation certificate
35 % TO 50 % Bronze Award Certificate
50% to 75 % Silver Award Certificate
75% to 95% Gold Award Certificate
95% to 100% Gold Award Certificate Trophy
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