Lucas County Sheriff
Cost for Police Protection ( ) Cost Per Contract with Lucas County Sheriff 2012: $500, 2013: $656, 2014: $676, 2015: $696, 2016: $717, 2017: $739,291.02
Why Does It Cost So Much for Just 1 Officer? It take 5.3 deputies to cover the shift for 1 officer 24/7. Need to consider sick and vacation time as well as weekends and equipment and training. We also pay a portion of costs for detective work, record keeping, sergeant, etc.
BUDGET PROJECTIONS FOR 2016 Springfield Township General Fund was looking at approx. a $846,000+ deficit for Revenue continues to decline with revenue sources being eliminated by the State, while expenses continue to increase. Have already made numerous cuts and found cost savings over past 2-4 years Townships are mandated to provide some services which have to be paid out of the General Fund. Police Service is not one of these mandated services. There is no revenue source dedicated to police service.
REDUCTION IN SERVICES FOR 2016 BY 60% DUE TO BUDGET PROJECTIONS 2016: $717, 2016: $287, (After reduction in services for 2016) Savings of $430,655.07
What does a 60% Reduction in Services Look Like? We used to pay for 168 hrs/wk of patrolling in the township (24 hrs/7 days). If you reduce that by 60% that results in 67.2 hours per week. 911 calls: If it is an emergency or the type of crime that needs an officer to be dispatched immediately they will respond to those calls with an actual officer from the township until those 67.2 hours are used up. After that the deputy may or may not be responding from Springfield Township but will still be responding from within Lucas County. If the call does not involve imminent danger, these types of calls will be directed to a telephone reporting line where the complaint will be taken and they will determine whether or not it shouTHE SUBSTATION WILL NOT BE CLOSED. ld be assigned to a detective for follow up. The Substation is owned and paid for by the Township independent of our police contract.
Why a Police Levy? Springfield Township has over 26,000 residents with over 8,000 households and a large amount of commercial area. Lucas County Sheriff has to “keep the peace”. There is a county levy for 911 calls but they are not required to patrol within our jurisdiction so they would not necessarily be responding to these 911 calls from within Springfield Township. Springfield Township is not the same as the Village of Holland. We do not utilize their Police Department except as possible back up to the Lucas County Sheriff. Police protection for 2016 was $717, out of a projected budget of $1,955,436.35, almost 40% of our General Fund Budget for 2016.
3.68 Mill Police Levy Best case scenario: this levy would generate approximately $2 million. It would cost a homeowner $ per $100,000 value of their home. The money generated from this levy can ONLY be used for expenses related to police protection. (BY LAW) It will be placed in a Special Fund NOT the General Fund. If the levy passes, the monies would not be collected until 2017, for tax year beginning If the levy does not pass, the Township will continue to balance their budget each year and make whatever cuts necessary to do so. This may mean police service cannot be provided as this is our largest expense in the General Fund.
Have We Ever Had a Police Levy? In 2009, a police levy was placed on the ballot for 4.5 mills which would have generated $2,16,979 if everyone paid their taxes and on time. This levy failed approx. 70/30. In 2010 the Township formed a Police Commission to do a study of what our needs were and bring back a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. This Commission was made up of experts as well as residents. They stated that we needed to have at least 2 and sometimes 3 officers patrolling at all times, depending on time of day and day of week. They recommended we put a police levy on the ballot in 2010 for 3 mills which would have generated $1,743,844. This levy failed approximately 55/45. Springfield Township did not put another levy on the ballot. They paid for 1 officer 24/7 out of the general fund from that time until the present.
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