John Steinbeck ( )
His Life Born and raised in Salinas, Ca. Born and raised in Salinas, Ca. Attended Stanford Attended Stanford Focused on Marine Biology Focused on Marine Biology The house in which John Steinbeck lived until he was 17 years old in Salinas, California.
His Family 3 wives- 2 divorces 3 wives- 2 divorces 1 wife survived (died in 2003) 1 wife survived (died in 2003) 2 sons 2 sons Travels with Charley (nonfiction account of him and his poodle) Travels with Charley (nonfiction account of him and his poodle). John Steinbeck and his wife Elaine
His Work Marked by a conflict between his feeling for nature and his sympathy for human beings. Marked by a conflict between his feeling for nature and his sympathy for human beings. Detached…like a scientist Detached…like a scientist Characters are moved by forces they can hardly understand or control. Characters are moved by forces they can hardly understand or control.
Novels The Pearl (1947) The Pearl (1947) The story of a Mexican family’s tragedy. The story of a Mexican family’s tragedy. Of Mice and Men (1937) Of Mice and Men (1937) Made into movies and Broadway play. Made into movies and Broadway play. The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath (1940 Pulitzer Prize winner) (1940 Pulitzer Prize winner)
The Grapes of Wrath The story of the Joad family from Oklahoma. The story of the Joad family from Oklahoma. Because of the dust bowl, they move west to California. Because of the dust bowl, they move west to California. Sought jobs as fruit pickers. Sought jobs as fruit pickers. Hopelessness and despair. Family falls apart. Hopelessness and despair. Family falls apart. The Milk of Human Kindness in the end. The Milk of Human Kindness in the end.