Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing in Surrey Presentation to Surrey Care Association Andy Erskine – Director of Mental Health and Social Care
Mental Health Crisis Care
What is a mental health crisis? Suicidal feelings Extreme anxiety Hallucinations Your behaviour feels ‘out of control’ Feeling a danger to yourself or others When you feel like you’re ‘at breaking point’ It could be your first time Paranoia Hearing voices
Traditional Responses (despite best efforts) don’t work well Working to develop a new system of MH Crisis Response: Safe Havens SPA Crisis Care Carers Support
Single Point of Access – Detective Work ‘Doug’ the Detective travelled around England and visited 8 SPA’s. Desktop Triage & Signposting Triage and Face to Face assessment Urgent Care: Crisis, Brief Intervention and Triage ‘Doug’ the Detective travelled around England and visited 8 SPA’s. Desktop Triage & Signposting Triage and Face to Face assessment Urgent Care: Crisis, Brief Intervention and Triage What did we learn? Whichever model is chosen requires thoughtful design and resourcing Many of the universal SPA’s had to be revised/closed/scaled back. The universal Crisis Care SPA at NT&W FT seemed to be the ‘best.’
Single Point of Access – Detective Work Word Cloud – Desktop Triage & Signposting Word Cloud – Triage & Assessment Word Cloud – Crisis Care
SPA Crisis Care Started with enhancing existing Crisis Line and working with Police in 999 Call Centre Developing a SPA Crisis Care Based on existing models of good practice ‘tried and tested.’ Key principles: Universal Open to all Enables fast response if needed.
Crisis Care Development – SPA Components 1 Work needs to be undertaken to look at different HTT functions (assessment; treatment & gatekeeping) & determine which sit in SPA
Safe Havens A safe place for people to go if they think they are having a Mental Health Crisis In town centres Open to anyone (including carers) Run in partnership often involving Peer Support Workers
Working Together brings results Over 1,100 times where people didn’t go to A&E High levels of satisfaction A more personal & preventative approach High levels of satisfaction A more personal & preventative approach