PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES Interpret and apply a variety of 21 st Century Skills through a plethora of school models Define creativity and ways to improve creativity in the classroom Reflect upon key components of cultural relevant pedagogy and apply it to your own classroom Analyze videos, data, and photos to recognize diversity, inclusion, and career and college readiness
ABOUT NCIES FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Details Internationally diverse population of 700 students grades K-5 Program directed towards Full K-5 Mandarin Chinese Immersion Focused on global education Focus on key components of “college and career readiness” Opportunities for children to learn Mandarin Key 21 st Century Skills Diversity and Inclusion Instructional technology Career Readiness Global awareness “Active Citizenship” New Century International Elementary School:
FURTHER DESCRIPTION ON NCIES The New Century International Elementary School is a school that is more than unique, it is innovative and creative. Just as the military base close by, NCIES sets the highest of standards for it’s students and their futures. Each grade level focuses on a certain continent in the world and is taught by teachers from those countries. Diversity and inclusion is more than relevant in this school, not only with the presence of the foreign instructors, but with the opportunity to learn Mandarin Chinese (New Century International Elementary School, ). The culturally relevant pedagogies mentioned in Ladson-Billings, “But That’s Just Good Teaching! The Case for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy,” of academic success and cultural competency are present at this school. NCIES set’s their students up for success by utilizing the latest technology in the classroom such as interactive whiteboard, cameras, and internet access and well as learning communities to immerge students together to make academic and personal decisions in their education ((New Century International Elementary School, ). In addition, hallways are lined with information from other cultures and continents and foreign language is strongly encouraged in the classroom and out.
LET’S TALK ABOUT NCIES AND CREATIVITY From watching videos from the 21 st Century Learning Exemplar Program on NCIES, it is evident that the push for creativity exists at this school and is strongly encouraged. A collage of photos taken from the artwork by the students around the school and the hands on interaction between the instructors and students, show how much NCIES values its students and fostering creativity in the classroom. Slideshow of student’s work in the classroom and around the school: 21/sets/ / show/ 21/sets/ / show/
ABOUT BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS Details Strong focus on 21 st Century Skills Nearly students Located in the west suburbs of Chicago Project based and student-centered learning environment Focus on educator’s professional growth Traditional and non-traditional teaching methods Key 21 st Century Skills Otherwise known as the “Think Tank” Rigorous standards Grouping of grade levels Inclusion Social Skills Organization Technology Benjamin Franklin Elementary School: ain/10 ain/10
FURTHER DESCRIPTIONS ON BFES At Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, project based and student-centered learning is what makes it most unique from other elementary schools in the area. Students are constantly working with students both in their classrooms and out and at a young age, begin to take control of the leadership role in their own learning. STEAM Lab is another aspect of BFES that is a key component to mastering these 21 st century skills of communication, collaboration, and critical thinking (Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, ). The culturally relevant pedagogies influence at this school from Ladson- Billings are academic success and cultural competence. With a strong framework of 21 st Century Skills molding the classes for students as well as introducing new modes of technology at a young age, are helpful in the journey to being a productive member of society in the future. Also, there is a strong focus on group work and tying together different grade levels to create amore unified and inclusive school.
LET’S TALK ABOUT BFES AND CREATIVITY In the article focused on BFES in 21 st Century Learning Exemplar Program site, the principal went into depth on how teachers are trying to become more creative in the classroom. The teachers meet in their learning communities a couple times to week to talk about project based learning as well as extra curricular activities. They also participate in “development days” before the start of each academic year to go over best practices and teaching ideas. Photos from the STEAM Lab: om//photos/p21/s ets/ /show/ om//photos/p21/s ets/ /show/
ABOUT MANOR NEW TECH HIGH SCHOOL MANOR, TEXAS Details Began in 2007 and has 400+ students Diverse population (about 50% Hispanic) Majority of students are the first in their families to attend college “100% of grads are accepted into college” (Manor New Tech High School, ) Strong focus on STEM and PBL projects Formed to serve underprivileged students Key 21 st Century Skills: STEM Technological competency Critical Thinking “Growth mindset” Global awareness Information competency Collaboration Manor New Tech High School: et/
FURTHER DESCRIPTIONS ON MNTHS As a bold approach to education, the school was initially founded to serve underprivileged youth in the community. The school teaches students to be prepared for the academic and professional world through multiple modalities of technology. According to the article on the school, from beginning of freshman year to graduation, a student participates in about 200 projects and while adhering to the 40 hours of community service policy. Clearly, the students are being successful as 100% of graduates are accepted to college On the 21 st Century Learning Exemplar Program site staring MNTHS, there are a couple of Ladson-Billings’ pedagogies active in this school. Academic success and critical consciousness are the two that are most prevalent. With such high standards for students, teachers and parents, all parties can expect that by putting forth effort in school work, projects, and volunteer hours, academic success can be achieved. Critical consciousness is also recognized by having these students technologically and professional prepared to enter the working world and suffice in a working setting using their skills learned from MNTHS.
LET’S TALK ABOUT MNTHS AND CREATIVITY On the 21 st Century Learning Exemplar Program site, with MNTHS as the main highlight, the principal explains that in the effort of creativity and work ethic, teachers meet every Monday for two hour sessions regarding lessons, extra curricular, and interdisciplinary studies, as well as better ways to teach their students. There has also been a professional development plan implemented for teachers to grow in their field and become better teachers. With about 200 projects from freshman year to graduation, creativity is the main focus of this school program. By utilizing different modes of technology, class lessons, and their own life experiences they can build upon these projects and apply them to real life in the future. President Obama visits MNTHS: m/watch?v=daENSU1Y XrQ New Tech High School Photos: photos/p21/sets/ /show/
REFERENCES Benjamin Franklin Elementary School. (2014). Retrieved from elementary-school Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). But that's just good teaching! The case for culturally relevant pedagogy. Theory Into Practice, 34(3), Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.But that's just good teaching! The case for culturally relevant pedagogy Manor New Tech High School. (2015). Retrieved from tech-high-school New Century International Elementary School (Video Case Study). (2015). Retrieved from international-elementary-school