Josephine Muwonge Ass. Commissioner, HR Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives
INTRODUCTION Background Vision and Mission Strategic objectives Mandate and key functions STRUCTURE Departments Affiliated Institutions/Statutory bodies Emerging Proposals RELATIONSHIP WITH DISTRICTS CONCLUSION. 2 Presentation Outline
In exercise of his executive authority, H. E the President established the Ministry on 1 st July The Mandate and objectives of the Ministry are in line with the NDP (Chapter 6.8), which articulates trade, industry and co-operatives strategies 3 Background
Vision Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade and world class industrial products and services Mission To develop and promote a competitive and export-led Private Sector through accelerating industrial development for economic growth. 4 Vision and Mission
These are directly linked to TRADE, INDUSTRY and COOPERATIVES Sub Sectors However, these Objectives have relationship with other Sectors The Ministry therefore promotes synergies and complementarities so as to maximise economic benefits Promote trade development 5 Strategic Objectives
The mandate of MTIC is to: Formulate, review and support policies,strategies,plans and programmes that promote and ensure expansion and diversification of trade,cooperatives,environmentally sustainable industrialisation, appropriate technology development and transfer to generate wealth for poverty eradication and benefit the country both socially and economically 6 Mandate
The following are some of the key functions of MTIC Formulation and review of policies, legislation, regulations and standards for sustainable development of trade, industry and cooperatives Initiation,coordination,support,overseing and some times facilitation of the implementation of strategies and programmes aimed at enhancing trade,industry,cooperatives and technology and ensure maximum benefits to the country from national tradable products Inspection,monitoring and evaluation of the policies, strategies, progress,standards,state and efficiency of the various local and urban authorities as well as agencies/institutions under its mandate to ensure quality assurance in service delivery, policy direction and guidance.. 7 Key functions of MTIC
Ensure General Oversight of its mandate at the relevant levels There are three levels: Domestic level that includes Central Government and the Local Governments Regional level like integration under the EAC, COMESA Global level under the Multilateral Trading System of the World Trade Organisation and related Agencies 8 Key function..
The Ministry comprises one Directorate and a department, namely: The Directorate of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives which has four departments; Industry and Technology Internal Trade External Trade Cooperatives Finance and Administration 9 STRUCTURE
Structure cont Uganda Export Promotion Board Uganda National Bureau of Standards Uganda Industrial Research Institute Management Training & Advisory Centre Policy Analysis Unit Procurement Unit Resource Centre Internal Audit Human Resource Commissioner External Trade Commissioner Internal Trade Commissioner Industry and Technology Commissioner Cooperatives Development Director of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Permanent Secretary Under Secretary Finance and Administration Minister of State for Industry and Technology Minister of State for Trade and Cooperatives Minister
The Ministry has five affiliated Institutions, namely: Management Training and Advisory Centre: Conducts training in entrepreneurship and management. Uganda National Bureau of Standards: Develops and enforces standards. Uganda Industrial Research Institute(UIRI):Concerned with innovations, research and incubation Uganda Export Promotion Board(UEPB): Mandated to promote export trade Uganda Development Corperation (UDC); Focusing on Industrial Development 11 Affiliated Institutions/Statutory Bodies
Commercial Offices are the Technical representatives of MTIC at District Level They coordinate and implement the decentralised role of this Ministry’s Mandate Guided by the Ministry on Policy and Other Technical Issues Ministry will provide both Financial and Technical Support to DCOs Should have a Reporting Mechanism directly to MTIC 12 RELATIONSHIP WITH DISTRICTS
The Ministry of Local Government and District Leaders carry out Supervision. This can be made more efficient through improved cooperation between MoLG, Districts and MTIC In carrying out their duties, DCOs must relate horizontally to line officers of other Ministries in the District so as to develop synergies and benefit from Complementarities Recruitment of officers should be done in Consultation with MTIC 13 RELATIONSHIP (Cont)
Trade, Industry, Cooperatives sector can be a catalyst to Economic growth and development The DCOs have the potential to unlock this capacity for the benefit of their Respective Districts and ultimately for Uganda There is need to Re tool and Equip DCOs for this to happen 14 Conclusion