Working with the Voluntary Sector Tracy Hughes
2 Restricted Working with the Voluntary Sector Around a third of our existing providers at prime or sub- contract level are from the Voluntary Sector It is important to us that we engage with the Voluntary Sector to help successfully deliver employment programmes Our Commissioning Strategy (published Feb 2008) set out how we expect primes to work with their sub- contractors to ensure fair treatment
3 Working with the Voluntary Sector A requirement that primes include a ‘letter of intent’ from each of their sub-contractors with their tenders, which confirms the sub- contractor is content with the agreement reached with the prime A heavy focus on the prime’s ability to effectively manage and nurture supply chains within tender evaluation criteria Additional support for the development of Special Purpose Vehicles/consortia Introduction of specific terms which primes must apply to their sub-contractors The new Merlin Standard Our Commissioning Strategy has resulted in a number of changes in the way we deliver our procurements, including:
4 Working with the Voluntary Sector Delivered events across the UK (including Glasgow) for VCS organisations to hear about the Work Programme and encourage them to get involved Worked with the Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion to support sub-contractor workshops Enabled the electronic sharing of information between primes and subs Held round table events with VCS groups to obtain their views Work Programme is an important step in our Welfare Reform plans and we want to build on our good track record in working with the Voluntary Sector to help make it a success. To help achieve that, we have:
5 Working with the Voluntary Sector Made it clear to bidding primes that we expect them to engage with a wide range of delivery organisations including those from the VCS Supported the delivery of numerous local events, along with Jobcentre Plus and Strategic Partners Engaged with key strategic representative bodies such as ACEVO, NCVO, Faith Action, NAVCA to ensure that the views of the Voluntary Sector are heard and taken into account We will be implementing a Voluntary Sector ‘Sounding Board’ to help us learn lessons from the live running of the Work Programme.