BLOOD AND BODY DEFENCE Dr. Amel Eassawi Dr. Abdelrahman Mustafa 1
A 12 years old male patient came with a history of fatigue, weakness. His blood analysis was done RBC count 3.6 × 10 6 / mm 3 Hb concentration 7.0 g / 100ml PCV 25% MCV 108 fL [femtoliter] Normal 90 fL MCH 32pg [picogram] Normal 30 pg MCHC 33 g / dl Normal 34 g/dl 3 CASE 1
1)What is the diagnosis? 2)List 5 common clinical features of anemia. 3)Classify the anemia 4)List the investigations that should be requested. 5)Outline the plan of management 4
A 10 years old female came to the hospital complained of fever and marked loss of Wight for 2 months during this period, she devolped chest infection twice and bleeding per nose several times On examination She looked ill, pale,TM39C And there is red pigments allover her body Investigation showed RBC count 3.6 × 10 6 / mm3 Hb concentration 7.0 g / 100ml PCV 25% WBCs 50 × 10 3 / mm3 Platelets 1× 10 5 / mm3 5 CASE 2
1)Explain the clinical features 2)Comment on theses results 3) What is the diagnosis? 4)Outline the plan of management 6
MONOCYTES 7 Reticuloendothelial System: Monocyte/Macrophage System: Consist of: 1. Monocytes. 2. Mobile macrophages. 3. fixed tissue macrophages. 4. specialized endothelial cells in bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes.