CW Linac: Optics with Quads or Doublets. N. Perunov and N.Solyak Nov.6, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

CW Linac: Optics with Quads or Doublets. N. Perunov and N.Solyak Nov.6, 2009

Focusing in current v.1 ICD-2 lattice. Period = 3808 mm Q: L/L_eff =520/200 mm Aperture = 44 mm B’ = 12 T/m TSR: SSR0: SSR1: Sol+drift+Cav+drift =560mm = Aperture = 30 mm Drift+Sol+drift+Cav=750mm = Aperture = 30 mm SSR2: drift+Sol+drift+Cav+drift+Cav+drift= =1600 mm Aperture = 30 mm Solenoid Quads

CW Linac (v.1 Oct.01, 2009) Focusing lengths of quads and cavities.

Quad focusing - v1. SSR2 section: FRDR TRACE-3D TRACK I = 10 mA

SSR2 : Doublet focusing (quad separation = 6 cm) Phase advance per focusing period. I = 0 mA 3 mm TRACE-3D I = 0 mA TRACK 3 mm Foc. period = 166 cm B’=16.8 T/m (phase advance = 85 deg)

3 mm TRACK 3 mm TRACE-3DI = 0 mA SSR2 : Doublet focusing (quad separation = 0 cm) Foc. period = 160 cm B’=19.8 T/m (phase adv. = 85 deg)

3 mm TRACE-3DI = 0 mA. 3 mm TRACK I = 0 mA. Eff. quad length = 10 cm Length of quad = 16 cm. Focusing period = 74 cm B’=23 T/m for transv. phase advance 85 deg. 90 Phase advance long. tr. SSR1: Doublet focusing - v1. (1CM=9*(FDR)+drift).

3 mm TRACE-3D I = 0 mA 3 mm TRACKI = 0 mA Quad length = 18 cm Quad Leff = 12 cm. Foc period = 78 cm. B’=18 T/m (phase advance 85 deg) Phase advance 90 tr. long. SSR1: Doublet focusing – v2. (1CM=9*(FDR)+FD+drift).

SSR0: Doublet focusing (1CM=(FDR)*16+drift) Version 1 #SSR0 1 period begin 1 drift quad drift quad drift cav #SSR0 1 period end Effective quad length = 10 cm. Length of quad = 16 cm. Length of focusing period = 65.4 cm. B’=13.5 T/m for transverse phase advance 85 deg. Version 2 #SSR0 1 period begin 1 drift quad drift quad drift cav #SSR0 1 period end Effective quad length = 8 cm. Length of quad = 14 cm. Length of focusing period = 61.4 cm. B’=17.5 T/m for transverse phase advance 85 deg. 100 Phase advance tr. long. 100 Phase advance tr. long.

SSR0: Doublet focusing v3. (1CM=16 * (FDR) +drift) Version 3 #SSR0 1 period begin 1 drift quad drift quad drift cav #SSR0 1 period end Effective quad length = 8 cm. Length of quad = 14 cm. Length of focusing period = 55.4 cm. B’=21.4 T/m for transverse phase advance 85 deg. 90 Phase advance tr. long. 3 mm TRACK I = 0 mA 10 deg. 3 mm I = 0 mA 12 deg. TRACE-3D

Next steps forward FODO Define more accurate quad parameters with experts (V.Kashikhin) Review configuration of SSR1 cryomodule to reduce bump in beam size due to large extra drift between CM’s Use doublet focusing instead of Quad focusing in TSR section Match SSR0+SSR1+SSR2+TSR Use 9-cell beta=0.81 cavities (new field map) in S-ILC. CM configuration = R+(FD) R 3 +(FD)+ R 3 +(FD)+R 2 (Francois) S-ILC cryomodule is not ILC type with shorter cavities, short doublets and shorter drifts. Design will be done by India (see presentation and Arun talk)